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  1. Christopher11

    Best Way To Manage New Website & Current Wordpress

    Hi. Thank you in advance for any advice offered on this question. I have a longtime website regarding my music and writing with Dreamhost... I own the domain name, it's my name. I did the site with iWeb and it's become outdated; I think I'd be best served to switch over to a website builder...
  2. S

    iOS advice for building a basic database app

    I am looking to create a very simple app. Essentially it’s a backend database connected to a user facing skin, not unlike For example, the database would have lists of movies and actors, and the user could click on a movie to see which actors are in it, and click on an actor's name to...
  3. jusacruiser

    SquareSpace or WIX ??

    I am trying to decide between SquareSpace and WIX. Which is better? Which is easier to use? Which looks more professional? Which has better customer support? Please provide an honest evaluation. Thanks!!