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  1. RumorzGuy

    Add the "Suck" Animation to Sierra Dock

    OOPS . . . That was supposed to say "El Capitan Dock". :) 1. Launch the Terminal app from the /Applications/Utilities folder. 2. Type the following in the Terminal: defaults write mineffect suck; killall Dock 3. Hit your "return" key. 4. If it asks you for your password --...
  2. RumorzGuy

    Trick to Add the "Suck" Animation to Your Dock

    This is nothing new, but maybe some of you haven't seen it before. 1. Launch the Terminal app from the /Applications/Utilities folder. 2. Type the following in the Terminal: defaults write mineffect suck; killall Dock 3. Hit your "return" key. 4. If it asks you for your...