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swift 3

  1. M

    macOS Command /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-3.1-RELEASE.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc failed with exit

    I am trying to compile my code which contains some frameworks compilled with swift 3.1 which is not compatible with xcode 9. i installed toolchain pakage for swift 3.1 and tried to build the code. But I am not able to compile this code. Getting an error ' "Command...
  2. E

    Universal TapEra new addictive game

    Hello guys, This is my first app, I just released it and I’d love to hear your opinion about it. It’s a simple game which has a button that appears randomly on the screen, each time you tap it the timer (the red line at the top) resets, the goal Is to reach the highest score you can. According...
  3. Z

    iOS Is iOS development all in Swift now

    After years of being away from it, I want to get back into iOS development. I'm from the Objective-C world. Is everything with Swift now, or can I still develop in Objective-C? I don't mind learning Swift, so should I go ahead and do it?
  4. M

    iOS Showing placemarks on map

    I have a list of locations (1900+) that are stored in Core Data. Each location has 14 properties and several of these will be used to fill out a custom annotation view. What is the most efficient way to display these on a map? My constraints are low memory and battery usage, and fastest...
  5. S

    iOS How to prevent a repetition of making new VC's

    Hi, I have a feature in app, where I have a list of items through tableView(1), when clicked on item, it redirects me to a new VC(2) (contains imageView, TextField, button). A button on the new VC redirects to a new VC containing a new list of items (to-do list for particular item). Because im...
  6. abcdefg12345

    macOS how to have nswindow vibrant title bar on swift 3

    I'm trying to have a window full translucent window but my code is not working anyone know where i went wrong @IBOutlet weak var visualeffect: NSVisualEffectView! func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) { visualeffect.blendingMode =...
  7. J

    iOS Ranging Beacons in iOS 10 (Swift)

    For some reason I don't get accurate readings for beacons anymore in iOS 10. Most of the time I get -1.0 for proximity and accuracy. Sometimes I get a reading that is not -1.0 but often it is not from the nearest beacon but a random one (using three beacons that have a distance of about 3...
  8. Futhark

    macOS Extra argument in call

    Hi all, I have a function that worked perfectly in Xcode 7 written for iOS 9 but when I try to get it to work in Xcode 8 Beta 4 written for iOS 10 converted to Swift 3 syntax I get an error "Extra argument in call" I will show my working code first then the broken code: Swift 2: func...