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swift 4

  1. triffek

    iOS NotificationCenter - show and hide splash

    I have this code: MainViewControler: override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillAppear(true) // register notification NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(MainViewControler.StartUpdatingSplash), name...
  2. S

    iOS iOS iPad mini turn power off/ disable home button

    Hey all I am wanting to create a type of REST app that would allow me to send a command to the iPad mini and have it either turn off and/or disable the home button. I understand that these features would be available with 3rd party/ non-documented apis that would never pass Apples...
  3. rachalmers

    iOS Swift 4 and image capture&overlay issue

    I have a Swift 4 app I'm building, and the saved image shows the overlay on the preview screen moved slightly upwards. Trying to center the overlay image on the preview screen looks good on the preview, but when I take the snapshot, the center point of the overlay circle is shifted slightly...