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  1. WaterOz

    Other iPhone Upgrade Program Sales Tax

    So while looking through the terms and conditions on the iPhone Upgrade program, I discovered it says something interesting - Applicable taxes and fees will be included in your Installment Loan if you purchase at an Apple Store I've always done the upgrade program by pre-ordering at the moment...
  2. V

    Shipping a US iphone to Europe

    Hey, I'm from Belgium and I wanted to buy the new iphone SE 2020 here in Belgium. It got advertised as a $399 phone so I thouht that it would be even cheaper in Belgium due to the currency difference, but no, it's €489 wich is just too much. So I thougt, I have a friend in America that can just...
  3. BasilFawlty

    Moving to Mac OS with TurboTax

    I have a 2011 27" Mac that I have Windows 7 installed on through BootCamp. For the past few years I have always done my taxes on the Windows OS - side. I would like to start doing my taxes on the MAC OS Side but would like to be able to access and import the previous year's data from the...