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  1. Videot27

    Installing Telnet on a newer Mac

    Hi, all — I have an archaic piece of hardware on my network at work which still requires me to use Telnet to check its available disk space (long story). I always did that via Telnet, but since I got my cheese-grater Mac, I've been unable to do it as Telnet functionality isn't there any more...
  2. K

    iPhone Looking for a Telnet automation app

    Hi I am looking for an app which has the following features: - connect via telnet to a server - automatically login - automatically type a line code (a command or anything else) and press Enter. - automatically disconnect That's what I need. I tested some telnet apps but I find no app which...
  3. Scott Elder

    Mysterious Telnet Address

    Using my 2012 Macbook Pro with Sierra, I tried to telnet into a 2014 Mac Mini inside my home. Both computers are on the NAT home-side of my Time Capsule router. For a while I was receiving a very mysterious IP address response back. Hopefully someone can help me understand why. I have the...