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text message

  1. M

    Mute User Text Messaging Me

    I have an iPhone 7 Plus and a 2015 MacBook Pro (macOS Monterey). I need to mute ONE indivuaul such that I don't hear this "ping" sound coming through my MacBook throughout the day. Initially I muted my entire MacBook Pro Laptop - but found that suboptimal. Years ago I *somehow* connected...
  2. DrMotownMac

    Messages - Auto-reply?

    Does anyone know of a way to have the Messages app automatically reply to messages from others? For example, when I'm on vacation, I can set my email to send an automatic reply to people telling them I'm on vacation and that I'll get back to them by some future date, but in the meantime, if it's...
  3. apple fan23

    Can't send opt-out text messages ?!

    Hi all! My iPhone 14 pro (latest iOS) cannot seem to send opt-out text messages - often very short phone numbers. It just 'fails to send'. It does not work on my Mac either. I have no problem with sending anything else, either text or iMessage. But for some reason I cannot send opt-out...
  4. P

    iPhone 13 Receiving default text message sound when phone on silent, why?

    I had my phone on silent. Do not disturb was not enabled. I do not have any contacts set as emergency bypass. I do have a few contacts set as favorites. When I set my phone on silent and my wife texted me I heard the default text sound as opposed to the sound I set up for her. I thought the...
  5. lbdesign

    MMS - longstanding Android incompatibilities

    Why hasn't there been a class action lawsuit on Apple's refusal to support MMS image exchange with Android phones? There should be some sort of fallback for non-apple participants if they insist on being the middleware, no?
  6. brothman01

    Resolved How to Schedule a Text Message to send at a later time

    I was using an Android phone before and I switched back to iPhone (which I used to use before the Android) and I cannot seem to find a feature that allows me to schedule a text message to be sent at a certain time which was a functionality that I used on the Android multiple times every day. I...
  7. S

    iPhone X Receive SMS when only on WiFi?

    Is there any way to receive SMS text messages (not iMessages) on my iPhone when on WiFi only? I’m currently in an area where I need to stay in airplane mode with cellular data turned off. WiFi works just fine and I can receive iMessages fine but cannot receive others SMS text messages. Is there...
  8. Laisha

    iPad Threw Away My Messages Then Stopped Syncing

    Since my iPad upgraded itself to iOS 12.2, my iPad, Mac, and iPhone are no longer in sync in Messages. In fact, every one of the messages that I participated in yesterday are gone. Poof! Not only is this inconvenient, but it keeps me from trusting the integrity of any of my messages. Has Apple...
  9. D

    iPhone Text message forwarding not working in iOS 12

    Ever since activating my iPhone XS, I either no longer receive SMS messages on my iPad or Mac, or they come in several hours delayed. This problem either began when I first installed iOS 12 on my iPhone 6S, or possibly a few days later when I activated my iPhone XS. I have now upgraded to 12.0.1...
  10. BigBen2493

    iPhone 8/Plus One Handed Use: Iphone 8 vs Iphone SE

    How would you compare using Iphone 8 vs Iphone SE one handed, texting, reaching apps, etc. Which do you like better for it? Thanks for all your help!
  11. pcunite

    Repeat notifications custom schedule for missed text messages

    Is there an app that can repeat notifications (say for txt messages) to a custom interval? I want to hear the txt message alert every X until I respond, forever. Would be cool to alert every 5 minutes the first hour, then switch to once every hour after that until I actually check my phone again...
  12. S

    Strange TEXT Message

    I received the following text message on my iPhone 6 S plus, would anyone know what this means? Thank-you 浥獳慧攠⁴漠ㄵㄴ㠸㔹〰㤠獵捣敥摥搮
  13. clausbvc

    Send as SMS gone?

    The option of sending a text as SMS, instead of iMessage, seems gone in iOS 10.2. At least on my phone (5SE) and carrier combination. Anyone else?
  14. wozmatic

    Is there a way to restore 1 text message conversation from a backup?

    So I swiped and deleted a message conversation by accident and I would live to restore it. I definitely have a backup on iTunes (August 7) that I could restore it from. My concern is if I restore to that last backup, I would LOSE ALL NEW message history with other contacts. Is there a method...
  15. S

    Clicked on phishing link on iPhone - help please!

    Feeling very stupid right now... and quite worried - any help would be much appreciated. I received a text from 'iCloud' saying my 'Apple and iCloud would be terminated' unless I confirmed my details through a link sent in the text. I don't know what I was thinking but I clicked on the link...
  16. I

    Text Message Forwarding issue

    I am trying to enable my Text message forwarding on my iPad, I had it enabled, but it never forwarded text messages but I never really cared for a while, but now I want to get it sorted out. So, today (because I had it enabled but was not working) I disabled it in my iPhone (iPhone 4S) and...