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  1. Buadhai

    Apple Music Apple Music Throughput Woes

    This on an iPhone 14 Pro (17.4.1) an iPad mini 6 (17.4.1) and an ATV4 (15.4). I live in Thailand. This is an intermittent problem. Beginning about a month ago Apple Music streaming has the following issues: • Each streamed song takes much too long to load and start playing. • Songs often...
  2. fhturner

    AirPort Extreme routing speed reduced via AT&T Gigapower

    Hey Everyone— Got a weird one here. Back in mid-2017, we got the 1000Mbps x 1000Mbps AT&T GigaPower service. This has been routed (NAT, default host, DNS) via an AirPort Extreme 802.11ac base station, and has worked great. I've regularly speed-tested at >850Mbps both ways**. However, recently...