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transfer data to a new device

  1. M

    Phone Restore problems (transferring to a new phone)

    Hello, Yesterday I tried to transfer to a new 15 Pro Max from a 10 Pro Max. Normally this is a breeze, but this time... Every single app is logged out - hundreds of them - and that has never happened before. I don't know if I know them all. Hundreds of gbs of data are missing. All the...
  2. L

    Make a backup using Apple's Temporary iCloud Storage - with Screen Time Active?

    I have a new iphone 13. The user is younger than 18 and I have Screen Time active. How do I get the temporary iCloud storage Apple is offering when readying an old phone to back up to iCloud? I don't see the Transfer or Reset Option at the bottom of the General Settings Page. I tried to turn off...
  3. michial

    Upgrade to iOS15 before new iPhone transfer?

    To ensure the speediest transfer of my current iphone to my new iPhone 13 Pro Max, which is arriving 9/24/21, should I upgrade my current iPhone 11 Pro to iOS 15 before then?
  4. zimv20

    Resolved need strategy for data transfer to RAID system

    the use case here is i'm moving music production from my old tower to my new laptop. the purpose of this thread is to figure out how to transfer a bunch of audio and related data to a new RAID enclosure. my tower is a circa 2012 6-core. i have various audio projects spread across 4 internal...
  5. At_Op45

    Transer 2008 iMac to 2012 Mac mini

    Hey all, I'm interested in transferring the saved information from my iMac to my Mac Mini. While the iMac works fine, it starting to show its age with browsers and apps increasingly dropping support for it - I'd like to transfer all information from my iMac to my Mac mini. Since there are four...
  6. eboakes

    Incessant Pestering for Password For Legacy ID Music Purchases With New iPhone

    Many of us started "early" in the Apple ecosystem. Like, back when Apple's only pocket-sized product was a single click-wheel iPod and iTunes only ran on a Mac. For those of use who enjoyed iTunes and spent a fortune on music (like $7,000 worth) we now find that we're locked out of using any...