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  1. prime17569

    What process node will the M3 chip use?

    So far, Apple's chips have used the following process nodes: A14/M1 - N5 A15/M2 - N5P A16 - N4, because TSMC's N3B node was not ready in time TSMC's N3 nodes are now ready, and there are two nodes at play, N3B and N3E. Nothing I've read has been clear on which node will be used for the M3...
  2. L

    do you think next macbooks will become even more expensive because of tsmc raising the prices ? (this paired with chip shortage too maybe )

    will macbooks and imacs get even more expensive,or did apple already increased the margins in order to keep the same price next year and forward ?
  3. flyinmac

    iPhone 8/Plus TSMC hit with virus affecting production

    Interesting story that seemed to be missed in MacRumors news. Unless I missed it. Apparently Apple chip producer / supplier TSMC was hit with a virus recently that affected production. Story says it “...
  4. SuperKerem

    iPhone 6s Plus runs hot?

    Hi. Yesterday I got an iPhone 6s Plus (128GB) and noticed it was running a lot warmer than my iPhone 6. I checked the processor and it was the Samsung one, so that might be the cause. Should I try returning it to hopefully get a TSMC model?