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  1. S

    iPhone Still having issues with Mail.

    Many people had reposted similar problems with Mail on iPhone. However even with the latest iOS updates my problems still persist. Listing them here: 1) When viewing new mail and clicking the down arrow to get to the next new email, it shows each email twice. They are not listed twice in the...
  2. S

    iPhone Is Apple fixing Mail in iOS 13? I still need to do everything twice.

    Adding to what I'm sure are the many complaints about Mail in iOS 13 being a glitchy mess. First off, I removed and deleted every single account on my phone, deleted the Mail app, and did a hard restart. Then I re-added all my mail accounts. The problems are still exactly the same. Basically I...
  3. miknos

    Updating Apps Twice

    App Store is asking to update apps twice. When I update an app, the same app appears to update after a day or two. I know the app was updated before. Don't know why App Store is showing the app again. IOS 10.3.1 IPhone
  4. ces1596

    macOS Sierra: Dock/Apps Malfunctioning? HELP!

    Hello, I recently installed MacOS Sierra on a MacBook Pro that I have restored for my fiance (previously a friend's, was extremely water-damaged and corroded , running good as new now) and everything is running great. However, anytime I open Google Chrome or Firefox from my dock, instead of...