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  1. robwhitby912

    I jailbroke my iphone and restored, which has caused so many issues

    Hi guys I've looked through quite a few forums and threads and I could not find any other person in my situation. So here it goes. I decided to jailbreak my Iphone 7+ on 11.x (I cant remember specifically). I ran this and enjoyed it, however with most jailbreaks I have performed, I got bored...
  2. superluig164

    iPad Unjailbreak iPad Mini 1st Gen... WHATEVER IT TAKES!

    Hello! I'm having a lot of trouble trying to unjailbreak my iPad Mini. I jailbroke it a long time ago, way back when iOS 7.1.3 was the latest version. And now, my iPad is slow and laggy because of the modifications and I long for a clean, stock install of iOS 9. However... No matter what I...
  3. T

    Not sure if phone is still jailbroken...

    Hi(: After updating my phone I lost all my jailbreak quirks and Cydia and whatnot, so I thought it completely unjailbroke my phone. However, recently I tried to install Miitomo on my phone, and it would not open. I Googled why, and found that Miitomo doesn't work on jailbroken phones, so now I'm...