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  1. P

    Can browsers or websites uniquely identify a Macbook Pro like identifying an iPhone using UUID or AdID?

    Can browsers or websites uniquely identify a Macbook pro like identifying an iPhone using UUID or AdID? or by MAC address? Or do they identify only using IP address or the Browser properties and cookies?
  2. A

    MP All Models OpenCore 0.8.0 for LiveUSB?

    Hi, All, Recently, I switch from LiveUSB based on rEFInd and grub2 to OpenCore. My LiveUSB entries under Misc section contains something like: <dict> <key>Arguments</key> <string></string> <key>Auxiliary</key> <true/> <key>Comment</key> <string>Windows 10 Setup</string>...
  3. F

    Boot OSX on a NVMe Card

    Hi! I read about the NVMe cards that aren't bootable because the EFI rom (off course) doesn't list them at the boot manager. The first thing i learned when fiddling around with a hackintosh (back in '05 with deadmoo image) was the "rd=" option. So since i already successfully booted OSX from an...