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video editing upgrades

  1. W

    Satellite computing?

    I currently own an Core i5 iMac, with others in the family using a 13-inch Core i5 MacBook Pro. Both machines run MacOS Sierra, but they are getting "old". Eventually, they may need to be replaced. We have a small family business that is not very active right now. That could change in the...
  2. adn rcd dly

    My new setup is coming and I need input

    Hello!! I have been a video editor for many years, most of them without my own machine. A couple years ago I bought my roommates upgraded late '09 27" iMac and it has been time to upgrade for a while. I pulled the trigger on a new 5K iMac with 4.0 GHz QC i7, 8GB RAM (2x4GB), M395X 4GB, and the...