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  1. S

    iOS How to prevent a repetition of making new VC's

    Hi, I have a feature in app, where I have a list of items through tableView(1), when clicked on item, it redirects me to a new VC(2) (contains imageView, TextField, button). A button on the new VC redirects to a new VC containing a new list of items (to-do list for particular item). Because im...
  2. B

    iOS delegates and protocols for passing data in swift

    Hi, I'm trying to get to grips with delegates in swift (specifically for passing data between view controllers). I feel I've almost grasped it , but need to have my own program to try to understand further and mess about with. With this mind i have reproduced a simple example from youtube, but...
  3. N

    iOS ViewController usage issue? Ads and Alerts

    Hi! My app is using alerts and rewarded video ads and they are wrapped from objC. They are both being showed from the current viewcontroller, for example when i got to show the alerts i use this: UIViewController * viewController = [UIApplication...