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vr headset

  1. C

    How to film 3D video?

    What kind of video cameras can record immersive, 3D, 180 video that can be viewed on the Meta Quest and I'm assuming the Vision Pro? A lot of the ones I've seen online are old and/or discontinued or are $15k or more
  2. Gamercraft567a

    Apple vision pro: I don’t think you could actually use it on a plane here’s why

    1. Noise from other passengers and other noises from planes and that would hurt the immersion 2. Plane wi-fi is usually slow and the show your watching will buffer a ton 3. battery some planes don’t have outlets/plug’s 4. embarrassment people near you will probably make fun of you if they don’t...
  3. ey4eypol

    Other iPhone with 3D spatial video and photo

    After reading the post from, I think Apple would be smart to bring this feature to *all* iPhones and not just the PRO/MAX series. There's something to be said about capturing and being "in the...
  4. Appleinapot

    I think the apple AR and VR headset are coming this apple event

    I think the new apple VR and AR headset is coming this event because the invite for the apple event is all AR, this is interesting because many people think it's coming soon, any ideas?
  5. S

    2018 mbp + eGPU + VR = good?

    I’m looking to get into VR, specifically oculus rift (oculus has specific software I’m interested in), but I’ll need to upgrade my equipment. I would love to stay with MacOS but I’m reading that oculus requires windows. Is this still the case with the new 2018 MBPs? Has anyone tried oculus or...
  6. N

    HTC Vive on 2017 iMac, high sierra

    Couple of months ago, I got a HTC vive and tried for days to get it to work with my iMac in bootcamp running windows 10. no dice. I had a USB C to HDMI, tried and tried to make it work, but never got any picture on the Vive except some flashes of light. Contacted support and the first thing...
  7. S

    Noon VR Pro with iPhone 8 Plus

    I recently picked up a Noon VR Pro headset on sale for Boxing Week. The headset works great and I'm very happy with the quality. But there is just one issue I'm trying to figure out. The headset has a built in button for Google Cardboard apps that taps the screen with a capacitive nub. However...
  8. C

    VR for iPhone X?

    iPhone X has the best iPhone screen so far and it would be really amazing to experience VR with its majestic screen. Like Videos and all. Are there any VR headset that supports iPhone x? as it's all screen and all?:/ Have tried on iPhone 6+ and it sure is an amazing experience and fun thing to...
  9. AlexGraphicD

    Is the base model good enough?

    I am tempted selling my late '15 27'' 2TB Fusion m395 iMac seeing how great of an update the 2017 iMacs are with the improved cpu and gpu speeds. My main concern is that I can't spend money for the mid 575 model, so if I would buy, it would be the base model and this time I would go pure SSD the...
  10. untitled_folder

    Help! Is the 2016 MBP powerful enough (for VR)?

    Hi all. I'm about to buy a new laptop in a few weeks. My problem is this: I've worked as a professional photographer and video producer for years and always had a Macbook Pro. Now I'm getting more and more requests for VR productions, and would need a suitable computer. I can use the Windows PCs...
  11. maketheone

    OS Neutral How about VR Pokemon?

    Pokemon Go is so popular recently. Are you playing this game also? Suddenly I thount that how about wearing a VR headset to play Pokemon Go? So that I can see the 3D adorable Pokemon and experience impressively. I thought I was the first one to have this idea, but unfortunately great minds have...