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  1. thmusic7

    Ready to upgrade my Mac and need some advice.

    Hi. I am a professional Music composer and producer. I need to upgrade my equipment for memory and performance sake. I'm on a budget of $1,200, but willing to spend a little more (or less??) to get what I need and want. Here's what I have right now. A mid 2012 MacBook Pro at 2.9GHZ DUAL CORE...
  2. S

    2011 MBP Logicboard Replaced - New SSD... Anything else?

    Hello. So last week my MacBook Pro (Early 2011) started experiencing green flickering on black pixels all over the screen. After 2 days of diagnostics and testing at my local Apple Store they finally found the problem to be a VST issue and replaced the Logic Board for me. Anyway, I'm...