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  1. C0ncreteBl0nde

    Weekly Photo Contest | February 20 - February 27 | Starts with C

    We had so much fun when I chose "Starts with P" and got such a great diversity of photos that I thought I'd try another take on it with a different letter. I asked my daughter to name a letter of the alphabet (she didn't know why) and she choose "C" so here we are. Any subject that starts with...
  2. andreagrandi

    Fitness+ Where are the weekly Fitness+ new workouts?

    Hi everyone, I remember I saw a forum section where someone was posting all the new Fitness+ workouts that are released every week, but I can’t find it anymore. Was it on this forum? Has it been removed? Thanks
  3. Adnanw

    No more weekly summary suggestion, is it removed in watchOS 7?

    I used to have suggestion with weekly summary on every Monday morning depending on the last weeks activity. It might go up or down depending on how I have done the previous week. However I have noticed that I have not received any such suggestion in last 3 weeks! Is it removed in the latest...
  4. A

    Weekly Photo Contest Challenge: One Word Feels (September 06 - 13, 2020)

    Howdy folks and welcome to the next enthralling instalment of MacRumors Weekly Photo Challenge! Cue the spotlights, play the theme song, bring out the clowns in mini-cars and dancing ponies! A simple motif from me for this weeks round, "One Word Feels". This is a storytelling exploration in...
  5. Apple fanboy

    Weekly Photo contest Sep 10th-17th Fight or Flight.

    Okay one and all. Lets see your best fight or flight pictures. I was going to just do flight, but thought it might make it more interesting to add the extra fight angle! Could be anything that flies (birds, insects, planes) or something fighting! Bonus point if its doing both at the same time...
  6. A

    Weekly Photo Contest: May 3rd to May 10th - Industry & Art

    This week's theme is Industry & Art. Not everything on an industrial scale is ugly - engineering can result in great art work that is also functional. Similarly not all art work is small with larger pieces involving significant engineering design and construction. Show us the big stuff that...
  7. M

    New Mac viruses weekly?

    Hi! My whole family uses this mac but mostly its me and another one who knows a lot of computers. We don't download any files usually and we still get viruses almost weekly! And the viruses come to a user who uses this mac maybe once in a week and she just checks her email. Why do we get these...
  8. A

    Weekly Photo Contest: May 14 - 21 2016: A Riot of Colour

    For the theme of this weeks contest, I have decided upon A Riot of Colour as the theme. I want bright, loud, cheery, colourful imagery this week, to help soothe away the grey cloudy days down under as we slip into Winter... Enjoy the theme and have fun with it! Rules: Be creative and have...