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  1. C

    kernel_task loads RAM

    After upgrading macOS from 15.3 to 15.3.1 on my mac mini m2, kernel_task started using ~1gb RAM after daily routine mac usage. Apple adds more and more bugs with every update. For example since macOS 15 after several hours in screen saver mode WindowServer consumes 2-3 gb RAM. This bug is still...
  2. T

    WindowServer Discussion

    I've just bought a M4 Mac mini and considering 4k or 5k monitor should buy. But now I am confused with the WindowServer's theory. In theory higher resolution will cause more RAM usage in WindowServer, So I went to Apple Store and checked how much RAM WindowServer would take on StudioDisplay(5k)...
  3. howdytom

    MacBook Air M2 freezes when connected to DELL U3421WE

    I do experience random MacBook Air M2 freezes when it is connected to connected via USB-C with a DELL U3421WE monitor. To be clear is not a Kernel Panic. The system becomes randomly unresponsive. It’s happening while using MS Teams, Outlook or any application. When I unplug the USB-C cable macOS...
  4. robd003

    WindowServer memory leak

    Has anyone else had issue with WindowServer memory usage growing to insane amounts on Ventura? I use a 2nd monitor (without any custom color profiles) and after 8 hours WindowServer will be consuming 33gb of RAM. I've been upgrading to Ventura each point release only to downgrade back to...
  5. A

    Windowserver crashing

    Hi there! Can anyone take a look at these logs and tell what the issue is? Windowserver crashes several times a day when I connect or disconnect a display to my M1Pro MBP. The 2 logs below are different. Sometimes it crashes and gives me "VM - Compressor failed a blocking pager_get" as the error...
  6. MYZ

    Really strange windowserver bug/crash that caused my external APFS (encrypted) disk to switch to read only mode - now I need to authenticate to write

    Hi everyone! This is by far the strangest bug I've ever encountered in my 9 years of using a mac. And it's got me stumped. After all, it doesn't seem like a system crash, of any kind, should be able to affect an external drive so dramatically. Especially when there was nothing even being...
  7. brasil

    Screen Sharing laggy, flickering, and unusable all of a sudden

    I've been using Screen Sharing running on a 2012 Macbook Pro to connect to a late 2014 Mac Mini, both running Catalina, with no issues for over a year. The performance has always been snappy with no lag, even with both machines connected to wifi only. All of a sudden about a week ago (and maybe...
  8. M

    16" MBP WindowServer sometimes crashes with SIGSEGV when disconnecting external display

    WindowServer will crash for me somewhat frequently (but not every time) when I disconnected my external monitors from my MBP. I have a 4k monitor plugged in via a DP=>USB-C dongle and another 1080p monitor plugged in via a HDMI=>USB-C dongle. Normally I close the lid before disconnecting...
  9. N

    MP 1,1-5,1 Mac Pro 2010 (5,1) problem: White / white-striped screen, loud fans, then restart

    BIG problem. My computer has intermittently shown this problem (in the title). The screen goes blank, fans go very loud, then the computer restarts itself. This happens mostly when using Logic, and more so when EuCon is active. However, it has also happened when simply using the internet... like...
  10. S

    FPS drop and WindowServer + Kernel_task High CPU

    So this started to happen since I installed High Sierra and I can't figure it out what might be causing it. I'm hoping someone here can guide me where to look for. I'm getting huge FPS drops on moving windows around, applications behave like crap, wired mouse starts to lag. This is a recording...
  11. S

    High Sierra kernel_task and WindowServer usage

    Since I've upgraded to Bug Sierra these two processes are always eating up my CPU and I can notice drop in frames when dragging windows around the screen. Of course, performance also takes a hit and doing tasks in various applications take 1-2 second longer. Main applications I use are Safari...
  12. J

    WindowServer using serious amount of memory

    WindowServer is using a massive amount of memory, kernel_task is also using quite a bit though that might be on purpose. I was just streaming a video on youtube (about 1h of 1080p) so I don't know whether that has something to do with it. I noticed some lag but it disappeared when I closed the...
  13. XxUnkn0wnxX

    [macOS Sierra] Window Server Crashing

    Hi, ever since the upgrade to macOS Sierra my window server has been crashing and causing my computer to log me out this seems to be happening once every day. the issue seems to be with HTML5 Video playback mainly happening when I'm watching videos via plex. (Safari 10) iMac (Retina 5K...