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wish list

  1. B S Magnet

    Apple Mac and Mac-related products on the cusp of existing (using off-the-shelf parts from other products) you wish had been sold

    I’m not picky, but there’s a small handful of products I’d have wanted to buy which would have required very little development or effort by Apple to bring to market. That’s what this thread is about. What this thread isn’t about are fanciful, theoretical products which would have required...
  2. AutomaticApple

    iPad What do you want in the 2019 regular iPad?

    I personally want the A11 chip, 3GB of RAM, 2nd generation Apple Pencil support, a laminated screen, and maybe better battery life.
  3. Future-Proof

    WatchOS Wish List

    iOS notes integration
  4. horste

    iMac 2016 wish list ;-)

    Maybe there is chance Apple would listen a bit more to their user base nowadays, when the stocks are not so fine anymore. About every 3 years a buy a new a new Mac. This year I wanted to buy a new iMac, but it is the first time, I'm quite unhappy what I can get for my money (around 3000€). I...
  5. iTosaf

    The Perfect Iphone (what do you think?)

    Why is there a problem to release the perfect iPhone? Just make it with 4" display or with a bigger option and twice the thickness, so it could fit 4 times the battery life, 256GB, Much better camera with optical image stabilization, water proof, wireless charging and drop proof (Like Droid...