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word search

  1. K

    Universal Word Search meets Language Learning (Free)

    I am very happy to share my freshly made app: Klewos. Klewos is a free app that mixes your usual word search puzzles with language learning. AppStore link: It's an ideal companion app for language learners who want to...
  2. nicotinum

    Universal Subliminal Words

    Pre-register for a unique little word game I made: Description: Discover all the hidden words that are cleverly camouflaged, and with each level, unlock a sentence of an unfolding story.
  3. B

    iPhone My Word Search World

    :apple: Download: Search and find all the hidden words, complete cool challenges in the grid. Find more than 1000 words by solving category based puzzle. Slide your finger over them and get all 5 stars for finding 10 words in 12...