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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 8, 2007
Detroit, MI
I sucessfully updated my 1.1.4 iPhone to 2.0 using the pwnage tool over the weekend and everything seems to working just fine-except for push E-Mail via MobileMe. Even MobileMe contact & calendar sync a works just fine on the iPhone with changes propagating both to and from the iPhone almost instantly pretty much all of the time. However push email has all but eluded me. Everything I've tried and so far no push email. I have to press the email app for the emails to download. The rest of the time, push email simply doesn't work for some reason on Wifi or on Edge thru T-Zones Proxy hack.

I have setup, removed, replaced and tried to get this to work using two seperate MobileMe accounts, on two different iPhones. Still, no push email. I even tried an MS exchange account thru web2mail with no success in pushing. Yahoo push has never worked in 1.14 or 2.0.

I am almost sure that this isn't something that is caused by the fact that I'm using a proxy via T-Zones since most of the time the iPhone is connected via WiFi rather than the mobile network.

Anyone else with similar circumstances have better luck with this? In other words, is there anyone that has a 1.0 iPhone with 2.0 FW that is unlocked, Jailbroken, and using it on something other than AT&T successfully getting push email from MobileMe or any MS exchange service? If so, please elaborate if it worked from the start or your experience.

The same thing happened to me.

The calendar and contacts push/sync just fine, while I had to manually check my email. After deleting and resetting my account a few times, I just set my mail to fetch every 15 mins and called it a day. It seems to work much better now.
The same thing happened to me.

The calendar and contacts push/sync just fine, while I had to manually check my email. After deleting and resetting my account a few times, I just set my mail to fetch every 15 mins and called it a day. It seems to work much better now.

I could be wrong, but isn't the whole point (if not partial) of paying for MobileMe to get PUSH email? For me push email was the catalyst to pay for MobileMe. Yes the other features are nice, but without Push Email I would not have sprung for it.

I know there are allot of complaints about MobileMe synch here and on Apple forums, but I'm trying to determine if something the Pwnage tool does when it works its magic that is precluding me (and other?) from getting push email.

I'd love to hear from anyone who Pwnaged a 1.0 iPhone to 2.0 firmware and IS getting Push email.
in the same boat

My situation is the same, except I use the TMo Total Internet plan. iCal and Contacts push/sync fine, email is fetch only. iPhone 2G, pwned.
I signed up for a free Mail2web exchange account over the weekend, set up forwarding to it, and at first, no push email. Then I read a post over on Howard Forums by someone who said they too had been struggling with no push on that same service until they discovered that when they turn off WiFi, Push email worked. So I turned off Wifi and all manual fetching, and lo & behold, Push email WORKED for me. Email alerts were dinging on my iPhone like nobody's business!

Unbelievable! And I'm paying all this money to Apple to get lame apologies and half baked solutions. I think it may be time to seek a refund.

I confirmed with another user who also has two MobileME accounts and two iPhones. One MobileMe account pushes email to his wifes iPhone no problem. The other account, not so much. He can get push email to either iPhone with the MobileMe account that is pushing, and none on from the one that doesn't, confirming positively once and for all that the problem is on the MobileMe side.
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