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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 21, 2010
My iTunes Connect account says that my iPad app is in Review but the version says 1.0 SEED5 APPROVED. I am confused as to weather that means it has been approved or still in review?

Can anyone help?
If I had to guess I would say they tested until the seed5 but not the GM. So it's approved under the beta version but not the final.
thanks, not that i don't appreciate your advice but if memory serves your app hasn't been approved either. And also why would it say in review then? and why haven't I gotten feed back about my app from apple?

Is there anyone who's iPad app has been approved?
thanks, not that i don't appreciate your advice but if memory serves your app hasn't been approved either. And also why would it say in review then? and why haven't I gotten feed back about my app from apple?

Is there anyone who's iPad app has been approved?

That's why I said "if I had to guess". ;-) Have you tried contacting Apple to find out what that means?
No not yet, thats my last resort. Apple Dev Center phone line leaves you on hold for an hour. But will try :)
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