since i am pretty darn tired right now
stupid question
says do not upgrade to 1.1.4, but says ziphone works with it
so upgrade? no upgrade???
I'll be waiting for iNdependence. I don't trust anything else.
why do you trust iNdependence so much? and why not ZiPhone?
Why should we upgrade if there are no new features? whats the point of this update? just for the SDK?
I've been using iNdependence since the days of 1.02 and I've seen very few posts claiming it bricked anyone's phone.
ZiPhone, on the other hand...
Does iNdependence actually work with the newer firmwares? When I went to jailbreak my 1.1.2 a week or so ago with the latest beta version, it said I needed to downgrade to 1.0.2 (or it might have been 1.1.1) to jailbreak etc, so I just thought what the heck and used ZiPhone.
since i have at&t and 1.1.3 so from what i hear 1.1.4 works with at&t?