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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 29, 2006
Woodland Hills
I need an affordable (haha) way to get a terabyte of hard drive space.

What would be the best way to go?

One: Buy two 500 GB HD and get two external enclosures to hold both. It'd have to be firewire for the hard drives will be used for video back up.\?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG - Here is a deal for them I'm thinking about using ( is not responding for me at time so I dont know if sale is still valid)

Two: Other wise fry's offers Anthology Solutions 1TB (4x250) Network Attached Storage unit for 549. - This one has 10/100 ethernet Lan Switch and automatic back up software. I'll be using wifi for internet on MBP so i figured I could connect this one to my ethernet port for fast transfers.

Please let me know your thoughts.
Fast transfers using 10/100

I would be careful about thinking that 10/100 is fast enough, you will not be happy with the performance when talking about 1TB of data.

I would go with a Firmtek PCMCIA card and a dual bay enclosure. That is the cutting edge tech. has a review.
RGunner said:
I would be careful about thinking that 10/100 is fast enough, you will not be happy with the performance when talking about 1TB of data.

I would go with a Firmtek PCMCIA card and a dual bay enclosure. That is the cutting edge tech. has a review.

What is the PCMCIA Card? or is that in the review?

Oh you mean the Express34 Card... hmm interesting I didn't think they had a SATA one out yet.

Damn 120 for Card thing... give good performance though...
I couldn't find a Firewire comparison to this. Would Express34 show a big difference compared to 34?
Well thanks! Do you no any cheap enclosures that would do SATA out besides the ones you mentioned? 309 for express 34 and dual bay is getting steap for my budget to then buy HD's yet to...
I would spend the extra...

BUT you could cut a corner and look at (I think was the name, I will go double check).

They sell a Firmtek 'lookalike'.. most likely the same case, for a lot less.
If you're going for a NAS solution, I would definately listen to RGunner.

For a 1TB NAS, you'd want 1000 MBit network speed to really have the best environment. Which would mean purchasing a 10/100/1000 MBit router and capable network adaptor in your machine, I would personally choose this route anyway as I have the router already. ;)

Otherwise, if you're looking to keep costs down, investigate HD caddies that can be daisie-chained. :)
crazycat said:
Not cheap but i use

Its big but quite and works like a charm.

Wow... That is alot sadly my budget is 1500 to get Dell 2407 and try to hit 800 gbs to a terabyte also.. And if i Had anything left some speakers... - What do you all think of this one? Would it work for what I'm looking for?

RGunner said:
Not endorsing / or knowing anything about.
- Thanks RGunner for all your help. I bet the one you sent me though is better easier to use and what not, from what I can tell.
poppe said:
Wow... That is alot sadly my budget is 1500 to get Dell 2407 and try to hit 800 gbs to a terabyte also.. And if i Had anything left some speakers... - What do you all think of this one? Would it work for what I'm looking for?

- Thanks RGunner for all your help. I bet the one you sent me though is better easier to use and what not, from what I can tell.

LaCie makes a 1TB Ethernet Disk. It has a 1000 GB Ethernet Interface and 4 USB 2.0 ports. It uses Embedded XP and supports OSX, Windows, Linux and Unix. Runs pretty quiet and is VERY fast. Best of all, it lists for $799, but can be found ~$100 cheaper. I have one of them, plus a 2TB as well. I have many other LaCie firewire 800 drives (2) 250 GB, (2) 500 GB and (2) 1TB drives. One of the 1TB is noisy (sits too close to me). Other than that, they have been very dependable and well-manufactured.
Demoman said:
LaCie makes a 1TB Ethernet Disk. It has a 1000 GB Ethernet Interface and 4 USB 2.0 ports. It uses Embedded XP and supports OSX, Windows, Linux and Unix. Runs pretty quiet and is VERY fast. Best of all, it lists for $799, but can be found ~$100 cheaper. I have one of them, plus a 2TB as well. I have many other LaCie firewire 800 drives (2) 250 GB, (2) 500 GB and (2) 1TB drives. One of the 1TB is noisy (sits too close to me). Other than that, they have been very dependable and well-manufactured.

Right but even still 699 for a TB... Its awesome, but the link I had was 500 for 186 a Piece.

so 400 plus two fire wire enclosures.... I think might still be cheaper.

Crap they raised the price... Guess i'll have to try for 800 GB's now...
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