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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 28, 2001
San Luis Obispo, CA
Hey guys. I am running 10.1.3. I downloaded it from Carracho. All seems to be working well. Carracho has 10.2 updater up for download (500 Megs) and I was wondering if I should get it. Any thoughts?
Only try that kind of thing if you don't mind losing everything on your HD. Play by that rule and you'll always be safe.
So you 10.1.3 and you are wanting to download 10.2!? Damn, one thing at a time, how is 10.1.3? Anything new? Speed?

Get 10.2 if you have a partition or second drive, otherwise you taking a chance. maybe see if more then 1 carracho server has the same file, if so, it may be more legit.
those are probably betas. in any case, theres absolutely no garantee that theyre the same as what you'll get off of apple's fact you probably ARE garanteed that the updates from apple will be different and better
Files and 10.2

10.1.3 has no speed updates that I can notice. Just some new updates and drivers. No, it is not a beta. It is the Final Release Version.

I have talked to many people that have Downloaded 10.2. I have been told it has spring loaded folders:D ! Also, they say they have noticed a significant speed increase. 10.2b11 is the exact version.

I am getting these files from servers on Carracho. Go to, and check out the links. Go to the tracker-tracker one. Enter in the IP's and Server names that it gives you. Then do a search for 10.2 and you will find about 10 servers:)
Should I try it? :rolleyes:
I was going to download it but then I thought naa
Just back up everthing before you install
You never know
Too late in the day to go through that much of a hassle to download something that will be out soon enough (10.1.3). When 10.2 comes out, I will look for a source, but one that is easier to navigate to. I hate jumping through hoops.
Don't be an idiot, MacUser.
There is no way you have the "final version."
They just found a major bug at the last minute, which is why they had to postpone it (Spymac was originally correct.)
More information, check out ThinkSecret.
Anyway, like others have pointed out, may as well just wait.

Ha! Spymac was actually correct for a change! Maybe they're trying to actually post REAL stuff! *gasp*!

BTW, I've found 10.2 on numerous Carracho servers, but as they're like 500MB and I've got a 56K modem, well, you get the picture.
Re: Ha!

Originally posted by atodd
Ha! Spymac was actually correct for a change! Maybe they're trying to actually post REAL stuff! *gasp*!

BTW, I've found 10.2 on numerous Carracho servers, but as they're like 500MB and I've got a 56K modem, well, you get the picture.

You know, I hope you are not right. They do seem to be getting a bit more accurate -- but that just means BORING stories. Common! I wanna see some more iWalks!

And about 10.2.. hahah. Well, if 10.1.3 is causing trouble (I've heard a few stories about speakers not working /lots of crashes) I really don't want to take my chances with 10.2 !;)
10.1.3 is pretty stable for most people but i have heard a few isolated stories of problems with it. 10.2b11 is not ready to install. install it if you have an extra drive for a sneak peak, but most of us have gone back to 10.1.3 since 10.2b11 was so unstable. its fun to get a sneak peak but dont expect to to be a usable operating system. i didnt notice speed increases with either version which has basically made me give up on X until apple hardware takes its next quantum leap (ie 10.2 optimized for a 64 bit g5). im prepared o wait for quite some time if necessary. in the mean time i will continue to take short peaks at the future with eyes open wide and jaw hanging open, the future looks bright but its not quite here yet for most of us.
sorry about the double post. but i thought this might be relevant: Think Secret 2nd Review of Jaguar

here are some highlights:

on springloaded folders:"the option does not function properly in the 6B11 and 6B12 builds, due to an unresolved bug which prevented the Finder preferences from being updated and saved, a source said."

on minimized windows: "However, dragging it outside of the dock will leave the tiny minimized window floating on the screen, and it can then be repositioned to anywhere on the screen. Click the mini-window, and it scales back to full size."
10.2 and 10.1.3 .....

.... have been arround on Carracho for a while... but the thing is... your installing a possibley beta or ... other OS. I havent installed in becuase my primary mac is the only one running OS X. If you have a spare Mac that you dont care too much about.. go for it... for me... Im going to wait till Apple posts the update.
Re: 10.2 and 10.1.3 .....

Originally posted by evildead
.... have been arround on Carracho for a while... but the thing is... your installing a possibley beta or ... other OS. I havent installed in becuase my primary mac is the only one running OS X. If you have a spare Mac that you dont care too much about.. go for it... for me... Im going to wait till Apple posts the update.

I feel the same way. I simply can not risk my computer/date being corrupted to get an incomplete update a few days early.
beta OS...

I feel like it's way too much of a gamble to install a beta version of an OS. I get nervous enough with betas of software (Photoshop 7 I had for nearly a week before I finally installed it!), much less a major update to my OS. I hope all of u who are running 10.1.3 & 10.2 don't run into any majo problems...

as for me....I'm gonna wait till I can get it directly from Apple! :p
Beta OS

It's never a good idea to install a beta OS on a Mac (unless you don't care much about it...). After all the problems I had with the 10.2 6B11 build, I think I'll pass untill Apple actually releases it.
Beta software, on the other hand, I have not had any problems with (betas for OS X, that is). Both InDesign og GoLive betas ran fine (but I can not open files edited with InDesign beta, with InDesign final... :( ), and Photoshop 7.0b43 is screaming (can't wait to the final release). For OS X, I'm always looking for betas to test of apps I use a lot. Not only to get yet another reason not to boot up classic, but also to see if the app is worth PAYING the update fee for. And for InDesign 2 and GoLive 6... Well, it was :)

BUT WHERE IS FLASH 6??????????? :confused:
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