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macrumors 68020
Original poster
May 8, 2008
Ithaca, NY
First 10.12 broke Nikon Transfer such that the CF card in my D810 (or any dual-card body) wouldn't show up. OK, so I made the SD card primary.

With 10.12.2, RAW files don't transfer properly; the copy on the Mac is damaged (or incomplete) and unusable. Just to make sure, I did some transfers to my MBP running 10.12.1, and the NEF files transferred correctly. Other methods of transferring from the card work properly.

The issue for me is that my workflow over the last 4 years has depended on Nikon Transfer for making folders named as I want them and placed where I want them, and renaming the files as they're transferred. I can do all these things manually, of course.

Anybody else notice this?
All major updates can potentially break apps. A good idea is to have a separate partition (or separate hard drive) where you can install the new OS and test all your apps. Otherwise, wait 6 months or so for all the issues to become apparent and hopefully fixed before trying the update for yourself.

10.12 broke my Canon apps and a few others, so I waiting a bit.
Yes, I'm generally quite cautious about these things, but I wasn't expecting trouble from something as simple as transferring files to go belly-up, especially in a point release where the major release caused only minimal problems.

Nikon Transfer's renaming, backup location, image selection and everything but the actual transfer of individual files are working properly (well, slot selection -- but that's an old issue with an easy workaround). I really wasn't expecting to have the serial transfer phase go wrong.
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