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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 18, 2003
Mpls., MN
Has anyone out there tried the "newer" 10.2.8 download on a Gigabit Ethernet Dual G4 ??

I have the Dual 450 and am currently running 10.2.6. Am considering downloading the (revamped) 10.2.8 update. Was wondering what everyone else's experience has been with the new download. Still lots of probem's, or have most of those been fixed ??

What's been people's experience so far with the new download ??
i also have an dual 450 - though i was too afraid of these updates... so i bought panther and tried it on my ibook first.
and yesterday i installed the panther and it works after three restarts without problems and it is FAST :)
go for panther and forget those other buggy updates
Originally posted by .a
i also have an dual 450 - though i was too afraid of these updates... so i bought panther and tried it on my ibook first.
and yesterday i installed the panther and it works after three restarts without problems and it is FAST :)
go for panther and forget those other buggy updates

What Graphics card do you have in your Dual 450 ?? I've still just got the stock ATI Rage Pro that came with it (I bought the computer used a couple of weeks ago).

I'd be willing to bet that if I throw a Radeon 9000 in my Dual 450 that would help speed up things alot !!
i have an ati radeon (agp, 32mb) and for my second monitor an ati rv100 (pci, 32mb).
this stuff was set up by a third party mac service center after my orig. ati gfx-card broke. for some time i did even not know that i have two gfx-cards...
well, i am more into graphics than into technics :)
speed of my gfx-cards are okay (i do not play games).
when it comes to panther, expose is a little "slow" but works fine (slow means about 20 frames a second instead of 60:)
work is great with expose - it helps a lot if you do gfx on different opened windows - you'll get a great overview!
i can highly recommend panther, though do some backup on cds or dvds (not only on external firewire drives; even those problems accure fw 800 drives you never know...)
and if you want to speed up your system: get a lot of ram, too (i have 2gb) - it helps a lot working with many apps.
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