Originally posted by alex_ant
Oh no, Slashdot's news is awful! Thousands of people send in stories every day, and the ones that wind up on the page have been picked seemingly at random. Important/significant news is often missed, and news few people could care less about frequently makes headlines. I suppose it's a good site for interesting geeky things that would otherwise not see the light of day, but what really bugs me more than anything else is the editors, who will accept no stories that deviate in the slightest from the party line (Linux = great; M$ [be sure to include the dollar sign here] = bad; Open source = the savior of freedom and democracy worldwide; etc.) To me, there are better sites than Slashdot for just about everything Slashdot covers: Osopinion, OSNews, Ars Technica, Tom's Hardware, Newsforge, News.com, Macrumors (of course), and so on... none of these are insanely great sites (except Macrumors, of course), but none of them suck as much as Slashdot.