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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 3, 2002
Hey people. I just installed 10.3 on my tibook, and I have a question about connecting to servers. In 10.2, all I had to do was go to Go/connect to server, and all the servers would pop up, including the ones that show up in apple talk. Now, when I try to connect to servers I get a box telling me to put in an ip number. Well, I don't keep a list of ip numbers to the servers laying around. Is there anyway I can see the servers in Appletalk (and thus their names) , or did I kiss this feature goodbye when I installed 10.3?

edit: spelling
In an open Finder window, click on 'Network' (in the list in the left panel-thingy) and on the right should appear any servers available, AppleTalk, etc. Double click on one, and it should ask you for username/password.

Is this what you were looking for?
Why did you delete Safari?

And you can set the default browser in the Internet panel in System Preferences.
There is no Internet Pref in 10.3, and Safari was corrupted so I had to delete. I reinstalled from another HD, as I couldnt download it from apple (the version wouldnt work)
Originally posted by 5300cs
In an open Finder window, click on 'Network' (in the list in the left panel-thingy) and on the right should appear any servers available, AppleTalk, etc. Double click on one, and it should ask you for username/password.

Is this what you were looking for?

Not exactly. The district where I work has about 10 appletalk zones, and the servers have their own zone, called 'district'. All I see is local stuff. I don't see a way to change zones, so I can get to the servers.

p.s. sorry for the late response. Wasn't able to get back on after posting.
I figured it out. You need to turn on appletalk in directory access in addition to turning it on in the network preference. Now I see all my zones :)
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