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Gaffa Bug

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 27, 2004
I have my original Software Restore and OS9 Installation discs that came with my G4 when it was purchased. I'm currently running 10.3.2, in which I did a clean install. My question is: Is there any way to install OS9.2.1 again so I can startup in Classic, while keeping 10.3, and not creating a partition? (I'm not sure if there is a custom install option from the original discs... and I'm afraid I'll erase 10.3 in the process). Thanks.
Gaffa Bug said:
I have my original Software Restore and OS9 Installation discs that came with my G4 when it was purchased. I'm currently running 10.3.2, in which I did a clean install. My question is: Is there any way to install OS9.2.1 again so I can startup in Classic, while keeping 10.3, and not creating a partition? (I'm not sure if there is a custom install option from the original discs... and I'm afraid I'll erase 10.3 in the process). Thanks.
you should already have OS 9 in a folder called 'Application(Mac os 9) in your hard disk. To boot from os 9, press restart, hold dowm option key, this will show you startup manager and it will show you the two volumes, OS x and OS 9, choose OS 9, ..
abhishekit said:
you should already have OS 9 in a folder called 'Application(Mac os 9) in your hard disk. To boot from os 9, press restart, hold down option key, this will show you startup manager and it will show you the two volumes, OS x and OS 9, choose OS 9, ..

I don't have the OS9 apps folder... or any OS9 folder for that matter. I performed a clean install of Panther since then. Unless I'm completely missing something, it seems that I can't install OS9, and still keep Panther. The only option it gives me is to do a clean install. I'm stumped. :confused:
Is your software restore disc(s) a DVD or CDs? On my eMac software restore DVD, there is an invisible folder called '.images'. Inside it is a disk image for OS 9, which you can just mount and copy the files from to install it. To get to this folder, insert the disc and select 'Go to folder...' from the Go menu. Type '/[Name of disc]/.images/'. On mine the file is called 'OS9General.dmg'.
Gaffa Bug said:
I don't have the OS9 apps folder... or any OS9 folder for that matter. I performed a clean install of Panther since then. Unless I'm completely missing something, it seems that I can't install OS9, and still keep Panther. The only option it gives me is to do a clean install. I'm stumped. :confused:
the OS 9 apps folder is not in your user/applications. its in the harddisk/applications. K, just press restart and hold down option key. See if you get only os x or os 9 as well..
kingjr3 said:
Man I wish people would learn how to search.


Simply put your 10.2.X cd and "re-install" classic.

It's easy to sound like a big boy on the computer now isn't it? I love how geeks like to sound tough when they can't be confronted. Outside of Wisconsin you'd get slapped around for talking like that. I bet you don't respond like that in person for fear of getting your #ss kicked.
The Dreaming said:
It's easy to sound like a big boy on the computer now isn't it? I love how geeks like to sound tough when they can't be confronted. Outside of Wisconsin you'd get slapped around for talking like that. I bet you don't respond like that in person for fear of getting your #ss kicked.
Duff-Man know, it gets frustrating when the same questions come up over and over again....and besides, that is exactly why the forums have search features, and also that's is why searching first is generally one of the rules in a "moderated" forum such as this. Duplicate threads become a waste of space and an irritant. If people searched before posting not only would they save space and not irritate those that are tired of repeatedly answering the same questions, but the person would have the answer sooner because they are not waiting for someone to reply......oh yeah!
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