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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 28, 2001
San Luis Obispo, CA
Hi. I installed 10.4.4 today, and everything was going fine. It optimized the drive, and then asked me to reboot. I did, and during the reboot, I was stuck and the white screen with the gray apple in the middle, and the spinning thing on the bottom.

I tried to reboot a few times, and the same thing happened. I can hear the drive start to boot up, click and stuff as usual, and then it just stops.

I booted from my Panther disc and repaired permissions and verified the disk and stuff, there were no problems (some minor permission ones, but they were fixed). I don't know what to do now. I tried messing with the hard drive pins on the hard drive, and i currently have it set as Device 0 Master. I tried using Cable Select, which seemed to be the only other option. Boht ways give me the white screen though.

I tried zapping the PRAM, booting holding the: Shift Key; Option Key, SpaceBar.

Please help me! Thanks.
First try to install 10.3.4 ;). Did you let it boot for a little while? Cause after an update the system does change some things around and does take longer to start up the first time.
I let it boot for around 20 minutes the 3rd time. I have held command I believe at boot, but I will go do it again to be sure. I don't have diskwarrior.
MacAztec said:
Hi. I installed 10.4.4 today, and everything was going fine. It optimized the drive, and then asked me to reboot. I did, and during the reboot, I was stuck and the white screen with the gray apple in the middle, and the spinning thing on the bottom.

I tried to reboot a few times, and the same thing happened. I can hear the drive start to boot up, click and stuff as usual, and then it just stops.

I booted from my Panther disc and repaired permissions and verified the disk and stuff, there were no problems (some minor permission ones, but they were fixed). I don't know what to do now. I tried messing with the hard drive pins on the hard drive, and i currently have it set as Device 0 Master. I tried using Cable Select, which seemed to be the only other option. Boht ways give me the white screen though.

I tried zapping the PRAM, booting holding the: Shift Key; Option Key, SpaceBar.

Please help me! Thanks.
You do know that Apple has yet to release MacOS X 10.4, much less its fourth revision, MacOS X 10.4.4. Only today did Apple release MacOS X 10.3.4, the fourth revision of MacOS X 10.3.
Duff-Man says...I don't know about 10.3.4 as I have not had a problem but in the past sometimes Apple updates have been very finicky about RAM causing previously "good" stuff to stop working because it does not meet Apple's specs. So, perhaps try removing any RAM you've added in the past and seeing if that helps....oh yeah!
MisterMe said:
You do know that Apple has yet to release MacOS X 10.4, much less its fourth revision, MacOS X 10.4.4. Only today did Apple release MacOS X 10.3.4, the fourth revision of MacOS X 10.3.

Thanks for the help! I guess you did not notice that I changed the title about 5 minutes after it was posted. You do know that right?
MacAztec said:
Thanks for the help! I guess you did not notice that I changed the title about 5 minutes after it was posted. You do know that right?
Duff-Man says....heheheh...well, you must have known *somebody* was going to play the wise-ass and do that....I would have but someone beat me to it so I thought I give a contructive answer instead.....oh yeah!
Duff-Man said:
Duff-Man says....heheheh...well, you must have known *somebody* was going to play the wise-ass and do that....I would have but someone beat me to it so I thought I give a contructive answer instead.....oh yeah!

Thanks Duff-Man. I tried the RAM suggestion, no go. It didn't boot on all 3 tries (with different sticks out). I just get to that white screen with the gray apple, and the spinning thing on the bottom.

The hard drive sounds like its about to boot up, but it stops all the sudden. Weird.
Duff-Man says...okay, next thing to a "super pram reset" - unplug the Mac, open it up and hold the Cuda switch for a good count (you don't say what your hardware is so I don't know if you can do this or not....)...than try again....oh yeah!
Duff-Man said:
Duff-Man says...okay, next thing to a "super pram reset" - unplug the Mac, open it up and hold the Cuda switch for a good count (you don't say what your hardware is so I don't know if you can do this or not....)...than try again....oh yeah!

I have a PowerMac G4 500MHz, what is the Cuda switch? Where can I find it?

[EDIT] - I think i found it. Its a small gray button near the AGP slot. I pressed it when the comp was booting (after it was stuck), and it just shutoff. I will unplug it and do it.

[EDIT Again} - Ok, so i inplugged the power and pressed this button (held it for 15 seconds). The comp made like a little noise when i pressed it and then i just held it.

I booted up, and nothing was different. Usually when I zap the pram, the screen resolution is messed up or something. The computer still didn't boot up though.

Is this the right button? Its like the size a microphone port or sound port on the back of a computer. Pretty small.

Thanks for the help.
i still think it's the ram issue - does anyone know how to disable the ram check in the open firmware? it would speed up the boot time for half a minute ;)

ram check is good thing for some cases, but to have it always on is an overkill. i'd like to chek it few times after ram installation and then disable it, only to enable it when i think there's a problem with ram. i disabled it in my tibook but have not yet find out how to disable the check in the alubook firmware.
This exact same thing happened to me. My ibook 600 wont boot after the x.x.4 install. How do I make it boot from the 10.3 cd? It seemed hung last night I let it try to reboot overnight and it's still dead.

I've never had a problem that my mac just never started, I don't even know where to begin to fix it. The suggestions in here dont seem helpful for an iBook.
Hold down Command and V while booting, and that should put it into "verbose mode" - it'll actually tell you what it's doing rather than just sit there spinning at you. Post back with which line it stops at, and the problem may become a lot more obvious :)
Ok I booted using option+V (command + V did nothin)

This is what kept appearing (line after line)

bootstrap_look_up () failed (isp/sent) invalid destination port

the last line was:

/etc/rc: line 160: bootstrap_look_up : unbound variable

What does this mean? Please help!
MacAztec said:
Ok I booted using option+V (command + V did nothin)

This is what kept appearing (line after line)

bootstrap_look_up () failed (isp/sent) invalid destination port

the last line was:

/etc/rc: line 160: bootstrap_look_up : unbound variable

What does this mean? Please help!

I am doing al ittle research on what rc is.

for now try this.

boot without any network interfaces you may have. as in unplug your ethernet cord or remove your airport card. then start in verbose mode again and tell us if you see anything different.
After a quick check of the script /etc/rc i might have found something helpful.

Line 160 in that file refers to nfs. (Network filesystem)

I cannot provide much more information because I have a limited knowledge of shell scripts.

this is line 160 from the script:

nfs_exports=$(($nfs_exports_ni + $nfs_exports_etc))

I am not sure quite what needs to be done, but as i said before try booting without a network. In addition if you have anything nfs related on your system that we dont know about, please let us know.

good luck

This happened to me last night - the booting to the spinning circle and then nothing. I couldn't get my TiBook to boot at all. I tried repairing permissions from the Panther CD, repairing as a FireWire target disk and nothing happened. So, I just backed up my whole drive to my desktop and rebuilt.

My only guess about this is that I had other applications open while I did the update. I started it and left to update my desktop. When I came back to my TiBook, the screen was off and it was frozen. That's when it wouldn't restart. My desktop was totally fine and I didn't have anything open on that.

I know I had Mail, Safari, iChat, Excel, Palm Desktop - maybe some others. Do most people usually quit all applications before an update???

Ok, so this is where I am at.

I unplugged my Ethernet cable and rebooted, same thing happened (same thing in Option+V boot too). I tried doing that Cuda switch thing that Duff-Man recommended, and still the same thing happened.

I remembered that I had a 4 Port Ethernet Card (the machine used to be a server) installed. I took it out, rebooted, and same thing happens. I don't know what else to do? :confused: :(
I have a few more idea but wont be able to come back for a lil while.

For now i would suggest u try booting to safe-mode. i doubt itl work but give it a try. apple-s on boot.

Also, how familiar are you with the command line? I would also suggest you try commenting out the nfs related lines in /etc/rc if you know what that means :)

There are like ten+ of them, line 160 is somewhere in the middle.

I wont be able to show you how to do that now, but some unix people in the macrumors chatroom may be able to. for easy chat access you can just go to

good luck

MacAztec said:
Maybe i could run some "telnet localhost" or "fsck -y" command? How could I do that?

Booting into single-user mode will give you instructions on how to do that. that is apple-option-s as oposed to safe mode which is apple-s
I thought command-s was single user mode and shift was safe mode. At least I always held down command-s for single user, never really did safe mode though.
same problem

Hi, I just came across this forum. I have a G5 dual 2 GHZ machine and have the same exact problem now that I've decided to update to OS 10.3.4 from 10.3.3. It will get to the lighter gray screen, with the Apple logo and the spin wheel, and that is it (aside from all of my G5 fans slowly coming on and sounding like an aircraft getting ready for take off). I tried to boot with the Panther OS CD and repair the disk and the permissions...nothing. I tried to do the "fsck -y" and then reboot, and nothing still. I have tried it quite a few times and the last time it finally said that it didn't have to fix anything really and stated earlier:

If you want to make modifications to files,
bootstrap_look_up () failed (ipc/send) invalid destination port
run '/sbin/fsck -y' first and then '/sbin/mount -uw /'

so I didn't do this yet, because I have no idea what that is :eek: . I was curious if anybody was able to fix the problem started in this thread, or had other suggestions. When I did "command v" I got the same thing as stated before when other users tried it:

bootstrap_lookup () failed (ipc/send) invalid destination port
/etc/rc: line 160: bootstrap_look_up: unbound variable

Please help me if you can, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the posts and suggestions before too.
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