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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 26, 2012
Lanarkshire Scotland
Can't answer this one myself.
As I have data sim plan from mobile provider -2gb+100 text messages.
When I use lte only for iPad Pro data connection by switching off wifi -I can see how much data I have used from 2gb -simple e.g. some Skyq t.v. This morning used .15gb of data -1.82gb to use until next billing time.
The 100 test messages is always 100 to use with 0 used though I did once see one or two used.
When I send a text from iPad Pro using lte only -should this deduct from my 100 test messages as I don't think it does.
Can't answer this one myself.
As I have data sim plan from mobile provider -2gb+100 text messages.
When I use lte only for iPad Pro data connection by switching off wifi -I can see how much data I have used from 2gb -simple e.g. some Skyq t.v. This morning used .15gb of data -1.82gb to use until next billing time.
The 100 test messages is always 100 to use with 0 used though I did once see one or two used.
When I send a text from iPad Pro using lte only -should this deduct from my 100 test messages as I don't think it does.

If you're using the Messages app, look at the other person's bubble color. If it's blue, no deduction. If it's green, then there is deduction.
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iPad SMSes are routed through your iPhone. So will be billed to your iPhone. iPad is only using data to send across those messages to your iPhone.
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iPad SMSes are routed through your iPhone. So will be billed to your iPhone. iPad is only using data to send across those messages to your iPhone.

That’s what I thought which is why I asked is it possible to use 100 text messages via iPad which are included with SIM card.
That’s what I thought which is why I asked is it possible to use 100 text messages via iPad which are included with SIM card.

My understanding is that your SMS will be deducted regardless of how you send one.
Since you’re using Apple device, SMS is only counted if you’re sending to a non-Apple iMessage, like Android devices. Hence, you’ll see a green bubble. iMessage (blue bubbles) are sent via cellular/WiFi data similar to third party chat app like WhatsApp etc. Mobile carriers count receiving and sending SMS, excluding iMessage.
Since you’re using Apple device, SMS is only counted if you’re sending to a non-Apple iMessage, like Android devices. Hence, you’ll see a green bubble. iMessage (blue bubbles) are sent via cellular/WiFi data similar to third party chat app like WhatsApp etc. Mobile carriers count receiving and sending SMS, excluding iMessage.

Think you've kindly answered to enhance earlier advice via this thread.
Just thought of a quick test which I didn't think of previously.
Lets' try some test texts to my basic Android Payg mobile.
Thanks all!:p
Edited I've since seen a blue bubble whilst sending a new text via lte-ippro
This could take some time for O2 to deduct this text,maybe up to 24 hrs.
This is current O2 status-Text messages 100 left of 100
I'll re visit later today or from tomorrow morning.
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My understanding is that your SMS will be deducted regardless of how you send one.

You’re wrong.
Since you’re using Apple device, SMS is only counted if you’re sending to a non-Apple iMessage, like Android devices. Hence, you’ll see a green bubble. iMessage (blue bubbles) are sent via cellular/WiFi data similar to third party chat app like WhatsApp etc. Mobile carriers count receiving and sending SMS, excluding iMessage.

You’re wrong too. That holds for iPhones. Not for iPads.

Non iMessages sent by iPads are still a part of the iMessage functionality of the Apple ecosystem and use data to transit non iMessages to iPhones that actually do the bit.
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You’re wrong.

You’re wrong too. That holds for iPhones. Not for iPads.

Non iMessages sent by iPads are still a part of the iMessage functionality of the Apple ecosystem and use data to transit non iMessages to iPhones that actually do the bit.

Thanks all-since switching off wifi and sending a test text to my Android mob yesterday.
It was blue whilst typing via ipad and today I still have 0 texts used 100 to use.
Can someone agree that from various kind answer that it's impossible to use the 100 texts from the sim
[doublepost=1527092788][/doublepost]I've thought of possibly a different answer.
I've gone through some iMessages some of which are green
Is it possible that my 100 texts are deducted only when I receive and reply to a non Apple text message
Thanks all-since switching off wifi and sending a test text to my Android mob yesterday.
It was blue whilst typing via ipad and today I still have 0 texts used 100 to use.
Can someone agree that from various kind answer that it's impossible to use the 100 texts from the sim
[doublepost=1527092788][/doublepost]I've thought of possibly a different answer.
I've gone through some iMessages some of which are green
Is it possible that my 100 texts are deducted only when I receive and reply to a non Apple text message
The blue messages are iMessages and do not count against your SMS allocation. Green messages are SMS messages. You cannot send SMS via an iPad unless they are going through an iPhone.
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The blue messages are iMessages and do not count against your SMS allocation. Green messages are SMS messages. You cannot send SMS via an iPad unless they are going through an iPhone.


No matter how many green messages you send from an iPad, your SMS count will stay at 100.
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I didn't know that places still exist that charge for text messages. Weird!
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