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macrumors 6502
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Jan 6, 2010
So few days ago i decided to replace my 2011 macbook air with an ipad pro.. so far awesome i can do everything i used to do on my laptop and more, just need to find the right tool/app.. I bought the 10.5 and im in love with it, but i keep wondering if i should of gotten the 12.9?? Basically the ipad will stay in my dinning table 98% of the time, use it mostly while eating, and 2% travel, i do mostly web browsing, videos, , pictures, very mild programming, editing txt files, mostly python and yaml files....

Any one got the 10.5" and regret not getting the 12.9 or vice versa?
If your usage is mostly at home, which you said it was, Id probably lean towards the larger iPad. The only isue I had with the 12.9" version was the overall size and heft which I felt made it harder to take with me. The larger screen will be nice to have at home for development, productivity, media consumption, etc. There are very few cases where a smaller screen is "better" than a larger screen ;)
I think the 10.5 is the better choice for most people. Once you get the 12.9 you might start to use the iPad a lot less duo to the inconvenience of not being comfortable enough to use it as often as the smaller one. Also, the 10.5 might not sound like huge improvement in size, but it’s enough to make it a more pleasant experience.
I got tired of holding the 12.9 inch iPad so I got this, and it’s a stand that I can live with my iPad. Very sturdy. You can use it for chair, couch or for your bedroom. And for me I will never go back to the 10 inch iPad

I also dont hold it much :p it is sitting on a table with the smart keyboard attached to it... Basically is functioning as a laptop XD but then im worried that it may be too large
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I have a gaming desktop PC and just upgraded from the Air 2 to the 12.9 Pro so I wouldn't have to buy a laptop. My portability needs are met... and the Pro just rocks at home too.

The screen size is amazing... I got a case that keeps it upright either on my chest when I'm in bed or on the coffee table when in the living room. :)
I have a gaming desktop PC and just upgraded from the Air 2 to the 12.9 Pro so I wouldn't have to buy a laptop. My portability needs are met... and the Pro just rocks at home too.

The screen size is amazing... I got a case that keeps it upright either on my chest when I'm in bed or on the coffee table when in the living room. :)

Thats kind my situation i have a gaming desktop, just needs this to be around the house, when i dont want to power the desktop on, and so far its been great, just not sure about size
Was a “long time” 9.7 user — since the original. Bought a 12.7 a few months ago. Very happy with the purchase now but was nervous when I pushed the buy button. I don’t find it all that much heavier than the 9.7/10.5. Mini, yes.
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For me the 10.5 inch is definitely the sweet spot and I wouldn’t go back to the 12.9 as I really value mobility. But every person is different, and if mobility is not important for you, 12.9 should be your option.
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I have to original pro (9.7) and I say the 10in yesterday at Apple and man I want it! I had no intention of upgrading since mine is stilll amazing at what I use it for and only getting better with iOS 11. I am hoping by next release there is even less bezel so that I can get more screen without going all the way to a 12. Now that I use it for my MBA and my small business the larger size of the 12 wouldn’t be bad but I still use it in bed and take it back and forth to school/Work so it is a little big to carry around so much. Anyway, I haven’t even considered a new or bigger pro until lately the size of even the older one is just fine for me until probably next cycle like I mentioned. I need a new iMac to so..... #firstworldproblems
So I went and got the iPad Pro 12.9 and the difference in size is reallllly noticeable, for some reason online it didn’t look this big, I been using it for few hours and I think the 12.9 will stay and the 10.5 will go back, for my personal use, just sitting at table around my kitchen, I want to say the bigger the better, also the 50/50 split is awesome compared to the 10.5.. The only bad part is that the apple keyboard doesn’t sit flat, making it very annoying to type. Also the hand travel time is way longer than with the 10.5, maybe causing fatigue after a long use, will update on this.
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I have the 12.9 and really love it. I purchased a sleeve from Etsy for transporting to the office. I do multi screen quite a bit for work things and love taking notes on it etc. It is awesome for playing my piano music too. I use it a lot. I don’t find it too big. Sits on my lap fine. I read more with it than I did my old one. I have to admit I worried when I hit the buy button too but really like it.
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Here's my $.02.

My usage is somewhat similar, though I do use my tablet as travel.

I've used both the 10.5 and 12.9 because I couldn't decide and one point I returned the 10.5 for the 12.9, only to return that and go back to the 10.5

The 12.9 has a gorgeous screen, but its huge. If you plan on using it, while holding the tablet, then that may get old fairly quick. My usage is such that I tend to hold the tablet in one hand and use the other hand to interact. I found the 12.9 to be more useful if its on the lap or desk. Using the 12.9 for reading, whether we're talking books or comic books, got old quick. I love the the expansive screen that provided the comic books plenty of space, but in the end the size was just to unwieldy for me. Travelling with the 12.9 was just as unwieldy, its basically the size of a laptop and since I already carry a laptop, this just increased my load and I found I was not gaining any benefits from using the tablet.

YMMV, and my usage may not fully align with yours, but I'm so much more happier with the 10.5, I believe its the perfect balance of power, size and features.
Title says "home use", even then people here talking about 12.9" being "unwieldy" for travelling etc.

For home use (especially after OP mentioned iPP will be on dining table 98% of the time), OF COURSE 12.9" is better!

Agree. I'm have both a 10.5 and 12.9 (both needed for work) and for the OP's stated need of having it sit 98% of the time on a table, the 12.9 is kind of a no-brainer.
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I use a 10.5 inch model. I ALWAYS bring it outside. It always sits on my shoulderbag, whether I need it or not. I bring it to my classes to take notes, and I use it as a laptop in my dorm room. I draw with it too. I have both the accesories, it’s a brilliant device.

TBH, even if I didn’t bring it outside, I’d be still using a 10.5. It’s just so portable, even at home or a dorm room. Keyboard is easy to remove so when I’m not using it, I sometimes remove it, and sometimes use it as a stand when I’m in bed. I used the first gen 12.9 before, it’s beautiful for drawing and watching videos, but, it was clunky to hold. But you say you’re gonna leave it almost always on the table, so, I guess the bigger screen will be a plus for you.

Since Apple offers a 14-day refund, you should return your 10.5, get a 12.9 and try it out. If you end up don’t liking it, you can return it for the 10.5 model.
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