When do you think 10 Gigabit Ethernet will become standard in Mac Pros and iMacs?
As mentioned, this won't be seen for a long time. Think of it this way; you've already got 1G Ethernet ports, yet ISP providers are no where near saturating 100M Ethernet (i.e. DSL sold @ 6.0Mb/s, even formats such as FiOS Internet Service are only 150Mb/s/35Mb/s <down/up> at the top tier for a mere $200 per month

). In the case of FiOS, it's enough you can exceed a 100M port, but not a 1G port.
Now I realize that they can be/are used in networks as well (not sure if what you're doing is really consumer/home use, or business usage in your home), but 1G is overkill in most situations, and 10G is quite expensive. Combine both factors, and 1G is all you get OTB.
You have to pay for faster (FC, 10G Ethernet, or InfiniBand), and they come with a serious price tag to match that performance increase. $6k isn't unheard of just for a small switch, and they easily get over $25k. No cards, cables, or installation costs (running actual lines in the wall/ceiling, not just plugging the gear up properly and doing the software configuration). BTW, you need at least CAT6a (500MHz) if you mean to use copper (CAT7, 7a, or 8 will be even better, once the specs are finalized).
A Thunderbolt breakout box with a 10 Gigabit Ethernet port would work as well, and then all the computers could connect to a 10 Gigabit Ethernet switch.
I'm not sure we'll see such a unit, but it's possible. It'll be expensive to implement though as is any 10G system due to the cost (cost of the switches tends to be ugly).
Any other ideas how to access large amounts of data fast from multiple computers? Xsan/Fibre Channel seems to be fantastic but is probably very expensive.
FC is expensive, and so is 10G Ethernet (take a look at the cost of the switches in particular).
There isn't an inexpensive 10Gb/s networking solution yet. I was hoping LightPeak would be (had the potential if the networking layers were added to LP's protocol), but that's not what Intel has currently released. Then there's the distance issue of TB cables (3.0 meters).
I have been waiting for consumer 10GbE for some years now.
Even less expensive 10G (whatever the tech) would be welcome in the enterprise market, as it would open it up to additional users (those that could actually utilize it, but can't afford it at current pricing).
I was hoping LightPeak would do that, but alas, it looks like it's going to be a ways off yet (see above

For what purpose can i ask?
I've only just got round to hitting 100 MB/sec let alone 1 GB/sec!
100MB/s on an ISP connection (=800Mb/s)? What provider do you use, and how many body parts + children sold into slavery + monthly payment does it cost?
Seriously though, I assume you mean 100Mb/s Ethernet (= 12.5MB/s, and this is before losses due to overhead).