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Original poster
Sep 2, 2019
Saw all web sites and tried many possible fixes, nothing worked, so I thought replacing the battery is the only way, but hey? Internet people are lazy too, so you won't get helps always from them, so there you go, try this and enjoy!
  1. iOS Device (Mine is 4S, may work for other devices too)
  2. Windows 10
  3. Latest iTunes
  1. Go to "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc"
  2. Right Click on the file called "hosts"
  3. Paste anywhere you want
  4. Plug your iPhone to your Computer
  5. Open iTunes
  6. Try restoring, 100% Worked for me.
  7. Move the "hosts" file (you moved in step 2) to "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" after restoring your iPhone.
  8. Thank me later.
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