I understand the ATV2 maximum output is 720p. I also understand the unit can playback 1080p content; output internally down-sampled to 720p.
I've read various reports that when playback 1080p, there are studdering or buffering problems. All of these reports are from jailbroken devices running xmbc or plex. Some say they are resolved with updates, others still have the problem.
My question, will a stock ATV2 playback 1080p @ 720p with no performance issues? Will it show any kind of performance issues with 1080p content, or is the down-sampling silky smooth?
I've read various reports that when playback 1080p, there are studdering or buffering problems. All of these reports are from jailbroken devices running xmbc or plex. Some say they are resolved with updates, others still have the problem.
My question, will a stock ATV2 playback 1080p @ 720p with no performance issues? Will it show any kind of performance issues with 1080p content, or is the down-sampling silky smooth?