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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 29, 2018
Has anyone experienced an issue with audio skipping and freezing on 11.3? I am getting it on my 7+ regardless of music player. It is happening on offline podcasts and google music etc. It doesn't matter if I use Bluetooth or the original Apple wired headphones. It's been happening ever since I installed 11.3 and it is a massive pain in the ass.

It looks to have been reported on the Apple discussions forum too. Anyone have a fix or workaround until this is patched?
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macrumors 68020
Mar 17, 2013
Utah, USA
I'm getting a little on my 7+, with Amazon Music app. Podcast has been okay, though. I also notice it when watching downloaded content on the Xfinity Stream app, but wrote that off to a crappy Xfinity product.


macrumors regular
Aug 20, 2011
Both my wife and I have a crackling, double play noise on our podcast. IOS 11.3 6s & 6s+ This wasn't an issue prior to 11.3


macrumors regular
Dec 9, 2009
I'm getting audio dropouts since the install using my airpods. Not sure if it happens with other devices yet. It's weird. The music or podcast will continue playing, but I won't get audio. This is definitely new since this install.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 17, 2013
Utah, USA
I'm getting audio dropouts since the install using my airpods. Not sure if it happens with other devices yet. It's weird. The music or podcast will continue playing, but I won't get audio. This is definitely new since this install.
I got that with a few of the 11.3 betas as well as the official release. Very annoying. I reported them all.
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macrumors 68030
Sep 16, 2006
I do have the same problem. First-world problems I guess, but it's super annoying.

Did 3 things :
Posted a message in the Apple thread, and this morning I reported it to MacRumors and to Apple Bug Reporter.

We'll see what happens next...


In the mean time, I've been thinking about keeping a stable release for a difference, but should I upgrade to 11.4 betas to fix this? Did anyone try?


macrumors 68020
Mar 17, 2013
Utah, USA
In the mean time, I've been thinking about keeping a stable release for a difference, but should I upgrade to 11.4 betas to fix this? Did anyone try?
I’m on the 11.4 betas—haven’t experienced it yet. The beta has been a little pokey for me, though. Apps take longer to launch, on all my devices.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 23, 2014
I've experienced the music skipping issue only once after updating 11.3 while using my AirPods. I also have been experiencing the music widget on the lock screen not showing music progress when a song is playing.


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
I am not sure if iOS 11.4 will solve this and I am also not sure if this bug relates to the problem of being very difficult to start music playback from iPhone when two devices are connected to one Bluetooth headphone.


macrumors member
Jan 24, 2013
man i been having this issue with the native apple music app for awhile now. Its very annoying. Like apple brought back scratched cd's but they been digitally scratched.

I only use the apple music app so i havent noticed it anywhere else. It happens when im using bluetooth in my car, headphones etc.

I thought maybe it was because i was streaming high quality until i realized i downloaded majority of the music skipping on my home wifi.

So it is definitely a bug within the software that is causing this. I downloaded and redownloaded albums just to make sure and they all still randomly skip and pause smh.

I for the first time in a long time am now a believer of these bugs i been having other funny issues with my iphone x but now i know its definitely ios 11 with compound bugs that have been carried over.

im glad apple now is focusing on bugs more than features for the way ahead this is a nasty bug.

I've experienced the music skipping issue only once after updating 11.3 while using my AirPods. I also have been experiencing the music widget on the lock screen not showing music progress when a song is playing.

that widget is a mess. Half the time it shows a different song on the widget that my car isnt even playing smh.

Or the song progress bar wont even move


macrumors 6502a
May 8, 2018
About other players, have you checked if you will get the same behavior with VLC or Infuse?

I haven't noticed any weird stuff on my 7+ after the update, so I wonder if reinstalling iOS will help in this case. Have you tried it already?


macrumors member
Sep 16, 2014
Still having this issue with my phone. Pauses in my car using bluetooth and pauses using AirPods.


macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2010
I've been having this issue as well on my 7+ with wired headphones and listening to music in the native music app, only started recently


macrumors regular
Aug 17, 2007
I'm getting audio dropouts since the install using my airpods. Not sure if it happens with other devices yet. It's weird. The music or podcast will continue playing, but I won't get audio. This is definitely new since this install.

This is EXACTLY what's happening with my AirPods on on iPhone 7. Took them to Apple store today and they did a hard reset (?) on the AirPods. Just now happened again. Good to hear it might be an iOS issue.


macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2010
FWIW I installed the 11.4 public beta and I've not had the problem happen again so far


macrumors regular
Aug 17, 2007
FWIW I installed the 11.4 public beta and I've not had the problem happen again so far

I installed 11.4 and the problem cropped up again. It doesnt seem like a hardware issue with either device. Main evidence for me is that other audio (keyboard clicks for example) still work when the audio drops. The bizarre part is that my wife has a 7 with AirPods and doesn’t have the same issue.


macrumors regular
May 15, 2008
i had this issue on my iphone x a couple of weeks back, tracks would pause, skip or go to a random track

not sure what happen, but it seemed gone again


macrumors regular
Aug 17, 2007
i had this issue on my iphone x a couple of weeks back, tracks would pause, skip or go to a random track

not sure what happen, but it seemed gone again

Yeah, mine's not that. This is with podcast, music, or other audio tracks. At some point the audio just cuts out bu the track keeps playing. System audio will still play through the AirPods, but not the track. I have to disconnect and reconnect to get it to come back. I've never noticed the problem with my AirPods connected to my Mac, so I'm leaning toward the 7 being the problem.


macrumors 603
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
I have it on my 7+...headphones only (that I've noticed)...I'll start a playlist or song, turn the screen off and put the iPhone in my pocket.

Next thing you know, song starts getting all "digitized" and repeating small sections, skipping, pausing.

If I unlock the phone, it seems to go away.....acts like some sort of memory glitch IMHO.


macrumors regular
Aug 17, 2007
I installed 11.4 from recovery and restored from an iCloud backup and so far (knock on wood) the problem hasn’t cropped up again. Could be that doing a restore to 11.3 would have fixed it too.
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