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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 16, 2011
Eau Claire, WI
This might be a silly questions but I just want to see if the mass majority of people on this board that owns a 12.9 version are people who draw.
I draw and own a 12.9. However, I was debating whether or not to downgrade size since I tend to travel a lot and having a smaller “sketchbook” sized iPad would be nice.
I use my 10.5 for sketching ideas when out and about. And my 12.5 will stay connected at home, but still be used for the most part for artwork purposes.
The 12.9” is great for viewing and editing photo’s and 4K video.

I recorded footage of several stage performances, using a Sony A7R II and loxia 21mm, where you can just use maximum zoom on parts of the stage as if that was the main recording. Scroll at leasure to left and right, hugely impressive! On the 10.5” it doesn’t quite look as cool. Nor do photo’s.
I use a 12.9” but I don’t draw. I do write a lot of notes and quick sketch diagrams (napkin stuff, not art) for work projects. It’s just a lot less of a headache than carrying multiple spiral notebooks and trying to find my notes/diagrams.
I got a 12.9 mainly for drawing. If I didn’t draw, I wouldn’t have gotten it, nor any other iPad except for my mini which I prefer for consumption.

By the way shouldn’t this have been a poll?
I'm an engineer who doesn't draw. I got the 12.9" because my hands are big enough to hold it in landscape and reach the YGHB keys with my thumbs. It was almost possible on the 2017 12.9" and this most annoying about it has been fixed by removing most of the bezel.
I have a 12.9 and would love to learn to draw at some point but I don't draw on the iPad at the moment. I use it for Photo and Video editing along with media consumption.
Not exactly draw. But I do solve problems on a whiteboard for students. It’s totally doable on the 11, but the extra real estate is nice on the 12.9.
I am an engineering director and I use the 12.9" iPad pro to review documents, create and edit office documents (PPTs/excel/etc), email, skype meetings, etc.

Office 365 is great on the new iPad pro. This week I had PowerPoint on one pane (70%), sharepoint on the other pane (30%), and mail as a slide over. I was able to create all the speaker notes for 5 different training modules we are deploying, which included copying pictures and text from the sharepoint site and my own speaker notes from email into the files.

OneDrive -> PPT -> OneDrive... no file system needed.

Laying out PPT slides with my finger is so much more satisfying than using a mouse to move graphics around!
12.9 user here who doesn’t draw. I do however like taking handwritten notes for myself and sketch out some ideas every now and then.
Buy the device if you think it gives you a good experience, you’ll be the best judge of course.

I also enjoy the big screen for reading, split-view operation and photos of course.
I'm a full time artist, I've all but abandoned my Wacom Cintiq 22HD for my iPad Pro (I had a first gen 12.9, and now I'm on the 3rd gen 12.9)
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