We have 12 promo codes for our game Monkey Jewels to give away to the people who achieve the highest score in our latest game PocketPop Revenge. Simply send us a screen shot showing your highest score in PocketPop Revenge in any of the four game modes and we will give the top three scorers in each game mode a free promo code.
1, The promo code only works in the US store.
2, You can only win one code. If you have one of the top three scores in two or more categories we will choose which of your scores to remove.
3, Email your screen shots to monkeyjewelscomp@pocketfun.co.uk
4, Our decision is final.
5, Closes 8th March 2009
To take a screenshot push the power and home button together and it will take a screen shot and place it in the photos app. You can then browse this and email it from the iPhone/Touch.
More information about the games can be found here http://www.pocketfun.co.uk
PocketPop Revenge can be found in the app store here http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=305963512&mt=8
Monkey Jewels can be found here http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=303748652&mt=8
Good luck
1, The promo code only works in the US store.
2, You can only win one code. If you have one of the top three scores in two or more categories we will choose which of your scores to remove.
3, Email your screen shots to monkeyjewelscomp@pocketfun.co.uk
4, Our decision is final.
5, Closes 8th March 2009
To take a screenshot push the power and home button together and it will take a screen shot and place it in the photos app. You can then browse this and email it from the iPhone/Touch.
More information about the games can be found here http://www.pocketfun.co.uk
PocketPop Revenge can be found in the app store here http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=305963512&mt=8
Monkey Jewels can be found here http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=303748652&mt=8
Good luck