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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 31, 2011
I got my phone this morning when I woke up and it seemed to have 120hz cause everything scrolled so seamless and looks cool. There was no lag. Maybe it was a glitch, but something in the device allowed it. Anyone else have their iPhone X do this?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 31, 2011
I know, but I swear it had no delay or trail when scrolling, does that make sense? Everything was so smooth. It was right after I unplugged it from the charger and only for like a min.


macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011
I got my phone this morning when I woke up and it seemed to have 120hz cause everything scrolled so seamless and looks cool. There was no lag. Maybe it was a glitch, but something in the device allowed it. Anyone else have their iPhone X do this?

Nah it's just smooth to scroll. iPhone X is a beast of a phone and Safari's buttery.

However you'll definitely notice the difference with 120hz. Text is still perfectly readable even when scrolling as fast as your little fingers can peddle.
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Nov 22, 2017
I got my phone this morning when I woke up and it seemed to have 120hz cause everything scrolled so seamless and looks cool. There was no lag. Maybe it was a glitch, but something in the device allowed it. Anyone else have their iPhone X do this?
Yes, it does have 120Hz screen, also 4k and HDR but somehow Apple decided to disable them in software ...


macrumors 68020
Mar 7, 2009
Let me rephrase it, do you have a valid source that states that the iPhone has a 4K + HDR @ 120 Hz screeen?

The iPhone X samples touch input at 120hz, but I never read anywhere that the iPhone X display woks at 120hz. In fact, I believe all iPhones are locked at 60Hz?

As for the iPhone X being 4k? Locked by Software? Software doesn't suddenly make the display have more pixels.


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
The iPhone X samples touch input at 120hz, but I never read anywhere that the iPhone X display woks at 120hz. In fact, I believe all iPhones are locked at 60Hz?

As for the iPhone X being 4k? Locked by Software? Software doesn't suddenly make the display have more pixels.

I'm not syaing it, the OP is. I am asking for him to back up his claim of a 4K+HDR @ 120 Hz screen on the X.


macrumors 68020
Mar 7, 2009
I'm not syaing it, the OP is. I am asking for him to back up his claim of a 4K+HDR @ 120 Hz screen on the X.

I understand that. I was only mentioning it because I believe the confusion on the 120Hz might be the touch input. But i have no idea where @OP would have got the software locked 4k notion.


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
I understand that. I was only mentioning it because I believe the confusion on the 120Hz might be the touch input. But i have no idea where @OP would have got the software locked 4k notion.

Neither do I have the faintest of clues. I get HDR, because it is proven that the 8 (+) and X have HDR, but not 4K and certainly not at 120 Hz.... the later would have been a good enough reason to really entice me to the X.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 31, 2011
All I'm saying is that it looked different than it normally does. There was no shadow ins scrolling, you know the slight shadow that appears when you scroll but 120hz iPads don't have it? It was strange and cool but didn't last long and that's why I think it was a glitch.


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
Not exactly the same, but the X does have the 120hz touch input, which aids in things like scrolling. It's main purpose is to make gestures extremely smooth, which of course it does. Best performance I have seen on any iOS device.


macrumors 6502
Oct 15, 2011
120 Hz is something else. Have the 10.5” iPad and using anything else feels like a slide show. I’m not upgrading from my 6S until they release a 120 Hz iPhone.


macrumors 68040
Apr 11, 2013
Washington D.C.
If anything scrolling would likely be worse on iPhone X due to OLED display which tends to have a little bit of lag. Part of the reason I prefer LCD. I don't have an iPhone X though so I can't say if overall it's less smooth than previous models while scrolling (specifically regarding the display).

Once they release 120hz screens (hopefully this year, but probably 2019), then we will have a great, higher standard.


macrumors 68040
Sep 15, 2012
Maybe the OP got a prototype screen that fell off Apple's prototype table into the production shipment bins? ;)
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Jul 12, 2016
120 Hz is something else. Have the 10.5” iPad and using anything else feels like a slide show. I’m not upgrading from my 6S until they release a 120 Hz iPhone.

That was a massive feature on the iPad Pro is the 120 HZ refresh rate. It just makes everything that much more seamless with multitasking on iPad. When You compare a previous iPad with the new iPad Pro's with 120 Hz refresh rate, significant difference in performance.
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