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Original poster
Jul 23, 2010
The short version of the past 24 hours is that while trying to install 10.7.2 my wife's hard drive decided it had enough, became completely unresponsive, and eventually refused to boot. AHT revealed code 4HDD/11/4000000: SATA(0,0); since I am out of warranty, I'll be looking to replace it myself.

Its a mid summer 2010 model. I'm fairly certain its a Duo core 2.4, 4GB ram, 250 HD.

If I'm not mistaken, I'll need a 2.5 drive? The other thought I had would be to put a 256 SSD into it -- but can I? It looks like Crucial sells these things in enclosures, but are those only for later models that shipped with SSD? Or is the point of the enclosure for older machines?
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macrumors 603
Mar 14, 2008
The short version of the past 24 hours is that while trying to install 10.7.2 my wife's hard drive decided it had enough, became completely unresponsive, and eventually refused to boot. AHT revealed code 4HDD/11/4000000: SATA(0,0); since I am out of warranty, I'll be looking to replace it myself.

Its a mid summer 2010 model. I'm fairly certain its a Duo core 2.4, 4GB ram, 250 HD.

If I'm not mistaken, I'll need a 2.5 drive? The other thought I had would be to put a 256 SSD into it -- but can I? It looks like Crucial sells these things in enclosures, but are those only for later models that shipped with SSD? Or is the point of the enclosure for older machines?
You can fit any 2.5" laptop hard drive in her Mac. That includes 2.5" SSDs. Enclosures are just that. They are sold so that if you wanted to use your old hard drive as external backup, you can. If you don't care to use a backup hard drive, you don't need one. I strongly recommend you do buy an enclosure of some sort with a drive to put in it, all hard drives eventually fail, and data loss well... to put it frankly, sucks.

I don't see where you saw all SSD's being sold in enclosures, you might have misread things.

Any hard drive on this page, and the 8 next ones(unless more than 12.5mm thick) will fit inside her MBP.

With that said, unless you wife has been complaining her computer is slow or actually has a need for speed, I suggest you do not buy an SSD. She might not notice the speed difference, and the price for the amount of storage you get is still through the roof in my opinion.


macrumors 68020
Apr 5, 2009
Kyoto, Japan
Its a mid summer 2010 model. I'm fairly certain its a Duo core 2.4, 4GB ram, 250 HD.

If I'm not mistaken, I'll need a 2.5 drive?

The other thought I had would be to put a 256 SSD into it -- but can I?

Fairly certain the original HD in the mid summer 2010 model was a 320GB HD, but in any case, you can now buy a 500GB-750GB 7,200RPM drive for 'bout 60-120 US Dollars, depending on the vender and the , and yes you need a 2.5" HD (SATA).
Try shopping at OWC,
I have had good luck with Hitachi and Seagate drives in my 2009 MBP, but many readers here will recommend the WD Black (I had a horrible time with a WD Scorpio Blue on my MBP).
Many venders also sell drives in an enclosure, and if the drive included is what you want (2.5" with the proper SATA interface), then you can use take the drive out of the enclosure and use it as the new drive in your MBP. But in your case, you do not need the enclosure, as your old drive is dead!
So it will be cheaper to buy only the drive. :cool::D:cool:


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2011
Boca Raton, FL
If it's a 13" mid 2010 with a 2.4 it came with a 250GB.

but anyway, any 2.5" SATA SSD will fit. I'm loving my Vertex 3, and would strongly recommend it.

Young Spade

macrumors 68020
Mar 31, 2011
Tallahassee, Florida
If she isn't doing intensive work and needs the speed increase, you might as well stick with a standard hard drive.

Personally, being a power user (multiple programs open all of the time (tons)) and the occasional VM, I have 8 gigs of RAM in my MBP. I used to look at SSDs and think about getting bays and whatnot to upgrade it, but realized that, for the way I use my computer, I don't need the extra speed the SSD gives.

Don't get me wrong, when they come down and I can snag a 128 or something on black friday for 100 or less, I'll definitely get one, but until then, the standard 5400 rpm drive is awesome.
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