I’ve never had noticeable battery drain issues in any iOS release as much as latest for iPad 2018 as well. Hoping next iOS update will reset something to fix otherwise I’ll try reset and iCloud restore
How much are you draining in standby per, let’s say, 12 hours? If it’s between 5 and 15%, that’s about normal for the last few releases of iPadOS. I can tell you from LOTS of experience that logging in/out of iCloud, resetting the iPad, DFU restore, etc. will do nothing to help it. There is something this OS is doing to the in the background that is not letting things sleep like they should. I was never able to figure it out on my 11” 2018 iPad Pro, and the 12.9” 2020 iPad Pro I’m typing on right now has the same kind of drain, even though I did not restore from backup and just set it up as a brand new iPad and reinstalled all my apps from scratch.
I’ve read plenty of people saying they have the same problem and then plenty of other people saying their iPads hardly drain at all in standby. There’s just no rhyme or reason to it. It has to be related to an app or background process I have running, but nothing I have done has fixed it. The only thing I’ve ever been able to do that slows the drain WAY down is just turn off WiFi when I’m not using the iPad. I have a Shortcut set up in my widget bar right up at the top to toggle it on and off, so it’s just something I’ve gotten accustomed to doing when I pick up/put down the iPad.
I have one theory that I’ve been able to consistently demonstrate on my iPad(s). I think when you wake up the iPad by opening the cover, tapping the screen, etc. and then put it back to sleep, that brings it out of deep sleep and it doesn’t full go back into deep sleep and does whatever stuff it needs to do for a while before fully sleeping. During that time, it drains several percent off of the battery. If you constantly check during the day, you’re constantly waking it up and keeping that cycle going. That’s why at night it is not draining as much in standby—you’re not constantly waking it up and activating whatever processes it’s running while not fully sleeping.
I might be wrong on that entire thing, but it feels like that’s what the issue could possibly be. I’ve given up trying to fix it and Apple has been no help at all, so I just keep hoping the next update does some good. And the next. And the next. And so on.