I have currently got 13" MBA 2014, I've been using it for few years for music production (ableton) as well as DJing etc, and I must say that I am satisfied with it (obviously larger files with loads of VSTs in ableton sometimes put loads of pressure on it but its manageable)
The specs of my 2014 13" MBA are 1.4ghz i5, 4gb of ram (could do with more, safari uses loads of ram these days) and 256gb ssd, thing is, my friend is offering me Late 2013 13" Macbook Pro with top specs, 2.6ghz i5, 16gb of ram and 512gb SSD for the slightly higher price that I could sell my current 4gb ram 13" 2014 MBA on ebay, (the only problem is that the coating on the screen of the Late 2013 Pro came off but I could live with it)
My question is, is it worth it? Obviously spec wise, more ram and bigger SSD will help me loads but is it worth getting machine from 2013 in 2018, considering that my current MBA has been released nearly a year after,
I understand that both of them have haswell processors (Pro has higher clock etc of course), should I pull the trigger on it?
If I'm currently satisfied with Air (being light and the fact that its manageable to get the work done - music production and djing) technically will I see some big improvements if I switch to Late 13" 2013 Pro?
Please help! Thanks in advance!
I have currently got 13" MBA 2014, I've been using it for few years for music production (ableton) as well as DJing etc, and I must say that I am satisfied with it (obviously larger files with loads of VSTs in ableton sometimes put loads of pressure on it but its manageable)
The specs of my 2014 13" MBA are 1.4ghz i5, 4gb of ram (could do with more, safari uses loads of ram these days) and 256gb ssd, thing is, my friend is offering me Late 2013 13" Macbook Pro with top specs, 2.6ghz i5, 16gb of ram and 512gb SSD for the slightly higher price that I could sell my current 4gb ram 13" 2014 MBA on ebay, (the only problem is that the coating on the screen of the Late 2013 Pro came off but I could live with it)
My question is, is it worth it? Obviously spec wise, more ram and bigger SSD will help me loads but is it worth getting machine from 2013 in 2018, considering that my current MBA has been released nearly a year after,
I understand that both of them have haswell processors (Pro has higher clock etc of course), should I pull the trigger on it?
If I'm currently satisfied with Air (being light and the fact that its manageable to get the work done - music production and djing) technically will I see some big improvements if I switch to Late 13" 2013 Pro?
Please help! Thanks in advance!