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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 4, 2012
Not sure if this is the right spot to post this (or if there is one), but personally this made my decision a lot easier. I'm typing this on my 13" base that I price matched at Best Buy earlier tonight. I actually posted this thread on SlickDeals last week and was waiting for a 2015" 15" deal to come along but decided this was too good to pass up.

Again, sorry if this isn't the right place for this, but I think there are some people on here that would find this or the price match useful:
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Read about it in another thread. Got mine that I bought two weeks ago price matched. I knew a deal would come sooner or later and this was really good.
It is ridiculous that BB only price matches at time of purchase. I have to order a new one at the price match price and then return the old one. You would think they would just adjust the price under another code.

Have a TB model on order, but now it is a $500 difference with this price match.
Too bad they don't allow RAM and SSD upgrades. Kind of pointless to buy a 8 GB machine in 2016.

So true. I should take it back even after getting $250 off. I really need 16gb of ram to write papers, browse the web and stream games from my windows box. Despite the fact that it runs all the programs I need fast and even the games I like, I know it will be better with more ram and its so pointless to only have 8gb. But wait, 16 is not enough, what am I thinking. I will buy a 4lb windows laptop with 32GB ram for those same tasks and create a new thread complaining on here about lack of 32gb ram.

In all seriousness 8GB ram is more than enough for me and I do use my machine for a good deal of tasks. I have even been able to run a game while doing other tasks without significant performance drop all on a measly 8GB ram. The best part about this machine is that if all i am doing is browsing the web, doing some research, writing some papers, emailing (you know general computing tasks) I really would only have to charge it once a week. The surfacebook I had, I could not say the same thing. The computing experience on this macbook pro is magnificent, great screen, great battery and great build. I dont need to plug anything in so i escape the dongle complaining but i love the machine, my only complaint was $1500 plus tax, now that i got it price matched i dont even have that anymore.
So true. I should take it back even after getting $250 off. I really need 16gb of ram to write papers, browse the web and stream games from my windows box. Despite the fact that it runs all the programs I need fast and even the games I like, I know it will be better with more ram and its so pointless to only have 8gb. But wait, 16 is not enough, what am I thinking. I will buy a 4lb windows laptop with 32GB ram for those same tasks and create a new thread complaining on here about lack of 32gb ram.

In all seriousness 8GB ram is more than enough for me and I do use my machine for a good deal of tasks. I have even been able to run a game while doing other tasks without significant performance drop all on a measly 8GB ram. The best part about this machine is that if all i am doing is browsing the web, doing some research, writing some papers, emailing (you know general computing tasks) I really would only have to charge it once a week. The surfacebook I had, I could not say the same thing. The computing experience on this macbook pro is magnificent, great screen, great battery and great build. I dont need to plug anything in so i escape the dongle complaining but i love the machine, my only complaint was $1500 plus tax, now that i got it price matched i dont even have that anymore.

Sorry, it's just my personal opinion taking my use case into account. Should have made it clearer. If you don't need the extra RAM, more power to you.
Too bad they don't allow RAM and SSD upgrades. Kind of pointless to buy a 8 GB machine in 2016.
8GB of RAM in 2016 is far from pointless. It can run almost everything fine, unless of course you have 40 tabs open, 2 VMs while photoshopping at the same time, which 90% of this thread laughably thinks is the average use scenario.
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8GB of RAM in 2016 is far from pointless. It can run almost everything fine, unless of course you have 40 tabs open, 2 VMs while photoshopping at the same time, which 90% of this thread laughably thinks is the average use scenario.
I forgot to say pointless for my workload.
I forgot to say pointless for my workload.

I understand. I wasn't really ranting on you, I am just really happy with this MacBook Pro and even more so at the reduced price. I bought it either way because I need a laptop for at least the next two years to write papers on and maybe beyond that, I'm hoping to get 4-5 years out of it given the same needs I have now if they change then ill get something else.
Was anyone without a micro center in their area able to get Best Buy to price match? No microcenters in Washington. I just put my order in to BHphoto.
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