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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 5, 2012
Running 14.0.2. As subject states I'm having severe issues with Mail, Safari, Photos and Notes all crashing - and here's the weird thing - the crashes happen at quite regular intervals. Photos crashed this morning at 04:44, then Notes crashed at 08:46 (I know this because I always paste crash logs into a Notes page) just seems odd that the crashes would occur almost exactly 4 hours apart.

Obviously this is more than a little inconvenient because I, probably in common with at least 90% of Mac users, use those 4 apps all the time. The Photos and Notes errors are both of the EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) type, with the Photos crash log giving a termination reason thus:

Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 5 Trace/BPT trap: 5

Terminating Process: exc handler [23673]

And the one for Notes being absolutely identical, except the exc handler number being one more, ie [23674]

The Safari crash:


Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00204f6d8d358a90 -> 0x00004f6d8d358a90 (possible pointer authentication failure)

Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11

Terminating Process: exc handler [944]

On Sunday (01/10) I experienced the first kernel panic since I bought this M1 Max - it's been really reliable.

Panic text:

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffe00205dc3b4): DCP PANIC - IOMFB int_handler_gated: failure: axi_rd_err [0x40300034]

- iomfb_driver(11)

IOMFB int_handler_gated: failure: axi_rd_err [0x40300034]

RTKit: RTKit-2413.1.1.release - Client: local-t600xdcp.release

!UUID: 4bcc7a73-3ced-3fd9-a1c7-3238cf8e94ac

Time: 0x00000415aba2ca4f

A bit of Googling found other people who've had an identical panic on Silicon Macs but the one thing they all had in common was they were using external monitors and the problem seemed to be caused by a faulty HDMI cable. I'm not using an external display (I've an iPad but I never use it as one, just with Universal Control/Handoff).

Two other weird things I've noticed with Safari since installing Sonoma: the time progress bar on videos wiggles (Ive got a video if you don't understand what I mean) and some websites tear and flicker when I zoom in/out (Wikipedia is especially bad, but it happens on the BBC News site, Apple's KB site and here. It also happens here when I paste). Another annoyance is Reddit; if I switch away from the site and I'm composing a post about 80% of the time when I switch back, everything I've typed will have vanished (and not been saved by Reddit's autosave).

I've nothing weird installed; I've created a new user (and am now running that account in safe mode). Unfortunately I can't post to Apple's forums as I had my phone stolen, so obviously I no longer have access to the number I used for 2FA.

Is anyone else experiencing regular crashes with these apps (and/or experienced a similar KP) since installing Sonoma...? Unfortunately, I'm unable to get to an Apple Store due to being in hospital (and, being autistic, I can't be without either my Mac or my iPad). It has 16 months left on the AC+.

If an EtreCheck report would be helpful, let me know...

Thank you
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