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Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 16, 2002
Stock 2.6Ghz 15" MBP w/ Touchbar crashes semi-randomly with Safari and Firefox. I say semi-randomly because it can't regularly be reproduced but when it does happen it's alway after I do a two finger scroll. Then the screen shows all open windows and my hidden dock appears. After that the computer freezes though when I move the cursor over the dock icons they enlarge -- however, no functions can be accomplished. I have force shutdown and restart at that point.

Anyone else seen this on there new MBP? I do not have Flash installed. On Safari the only plugin I have installed is Ghostery. On FireFox I have No Script and Ad Block Plus. Despite this I'm thinking this isn't a hardware issue but something going on with a bad javascript or something. Also odd, even though the system freezes there isn't always a crash report left behind. My last crash report is from Dec but my MBP has froze several times this month so far.

I haven't had any issue when using with any other app.


macrumors 6502
Jan 31, 2009
I get frequent crashes when exporting files from iMovie or FCP both to desktop and YouTube. Haven't had any browsers causing crashes.
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