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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 24, 2005
hi there,

i've got a usb external speaker which works fine. the problem is if i unplug the speaker, there is no sound coming out and there is a red light coming from the audio-out port. :confused:
I don't know anything about powerbooks specifically, but it sounds like the internal speakers aren't getting any power. Probably a wiring fault. Have an apple store near you?
i called the technical support they pushed me back 2 a retail store. and more funny, i couldnet get a appointment with the store unless i pay for ProMac Care.:eek:
I assume that costs a good amount of money? I wouldn't do it in that case if I was you... how often do you really use those speakers anyway? Headphones/External Speakers works fine for me :).
Which model of PB do you have? Because there is no red light that I'm aware of. Also check in system prefs that you have "Built in audio" selected as your output option.
Also check: System Preferences->Sound->Output and make sure that the balance slider is in the middle. One known bug of 10.3 and 10.4 is that sometimes this setting gets set either all the way to the left or the right for some reason.
Does the sound come back after a restart? Is all sound gone or can you get some apps to work? What are the settings for Audio Output in the Audio MIDI Setup app, in the Utilities folder? What brand are the speakers? :)

Like max_altitude, I'm not sure I understand where this red light is coming from either. :confused:
thx people, the powerbook i've got is the one updated in oct 2005. it's 15 inch, 1.67hz, 1g memory, and 7200rpm hard drive. i've attached the a picture shows where is the red light and a pic shows my current output sound configuration. i phoned them again they said probably the build in speaker havs been overridden by the external speaker, but they have no idea how to get the sound back:eek:


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Did anyone figure this out?

I am experiencing the same exact problem, has anyone come to any conclusion on what the problem is and how to fix it?

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