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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 11, 2012
I've spent many hours (days) researching my new 16" MBP purchase. I have it narrowed down to a M3 Pro (36GB, 1TB SSD) and M3 Max (48GB, 1TB SSD). Honestly, price is not a concern. However, battery life, heat, and fan noise while doing minimal tasks (web surfing) are... and not much of a concern when doing any heavy lifting.

Anything remotely intensive would be limited to Fusion 360 (3-D modeling/printing), light video editing, etc. I know even the M3 Pro is likely overkill, but again, price is not a concern, the experience is. I am fine paying the additional cost of Max as long as it's not going run hot while surfing the web or drain the battery in minutes.

Any suggestions?


Jan 23, 2010
San Diego, CA USA
I have the M3 Max 48/1T model. Don't see any issues with heat or fans if I'm not doing anything CPU intensive. According to my iStats menus, this Mac is drawing way less power than my previous 2020 i5 MBP did. But when you really want the CPU speed, my goodness it is there! This is easily the fastest computer I have ever owned.


macrumors 601
Mar 3, 2008
Sounds like you'd be more than fine with the M3 Pro. If you want the Max for s's and g's then there's a Low Power Mode you can put it in to keep it from going into overdrive during run-of-the-mill tasks.
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