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macrumors 603
Original poster
May 31, 2015
Really never mind using the onscreen keyboard but convince me the actual physical keyboard is worth it.
Sorry, no. I respectfully must admit that I have no desire to convince a stranger on the internet to buy something they aren't inclined to buy. Especially with no commission! That's what telemarketers are for. :p

Ok thank you!
I guess if you sat at a desk all day and had a LOT of typing to do but in your lap and in the field the KB is just in the way.

For my use the keyboard is a NO.

If you are going to type on it for anything other than couch or entertainment use, get the keyboard. For word processing it's a must. It's actually quite good IMO.

However, it is heavy and somewhat awkward the way it folds.
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If you are going to type on it for anything other than couch or entertainment use, get the keyboard. For word processing it's a must. It's actually quite good IMO.

However, it is heavy and somewhat awkward the way it folds.

I agree. I have used the screen keyboard for so long now, I would never use the accessory keyboard. I bought the pencil long ago and used it once and have no idea where it is now. Finger is good for me.
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Really never mind using the onscreen keyboard but convince me the actual physical keyboard is worth it.
Over a year, it costs 50c a day. It's a decent stand for media consumption on the plane, and great while browsing. Mine was well worth the cost for the 12.9".
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I guess it will all depend on how you use the iPad. I like using physical keyboard. For the longest time I had my 3rd generation iPad I have always used the Logitech keyboard and it does make life easier when doing some quick touch up on my work. I do accounting work and use MS Excel for majority of my spreadsheet.

I just got my iPP 10.5 with the smart keyboard yesterday and I am very impressed with the functionality of both devices. At first I was a bit skeptical of the keyboard due to the appearance that it's just an ordinary keyboard with no "special keys", but when I found out that there are numerous shortcuts you can do just by holding down the cmd key it opened up a new perspective for me. It makes a big difference, I was on my iPP all night tinkering with it while on bed. It seriously is sturdy enough to be placed and work on your bed, pillow or lap while on bed.

I guess it will all depend on how you intend to use your iPP - but for me, the more area on my screen that I can work with and utilized the functionality if split screen without an on screen keyboard obstructing my work the better. I'm happy with the iPP 10.5 and very satisfied with the Smart Keyboard.
For a two-finger typist, the keyboard wouldn't bring much value. But, if you're a good typist, it makes a big difference. Compared to on-screen typing, my speed on the ASK is more than twice as fast and accuracy is way up. Plus, you can see the entire screen while typing. I've always found typing on the virtual keyboard frustrating. So, the ASK was a natural choice for me & one of the reasons I went with the Pro.

I'm still cringing when I think that I paid $159 for this thing, though. :)
For a two-finger typist, the keyboard wouldn't bring much value. But, if you're a good typist, it makes a big difference. Compared to on-screen typing, my speed on the ASK is more than twice as fast and accuracy is way up. Plus, you can see the entire screen while typing. I've always found typing on the virtual keyboard frustrating. So, the ASK was a natural choice for me & one of the reasons I went with the Pro.

I'm still cringing when I think that I paid $159 for this thing, though. :)
That's one of the reasons why I went with the 12.9" Can save ~50% on the keyboard :p
I guess if you sat at a desk all day and had a LOT of typing to do but in your lap and in the field the KB is just in the way.

For my use the keyboard is a NO.
I just purchased a $60 Logitech K780 to leave in the office. Keyboard's far more practical there and the dedicated numpad is bound to be quite useful. For most of my other usage (mostly just carrying the iPad or on my lap), the ASK would just add unnecessary bulk and weight.
I have a love/hate relationship with the ASK. I purchased it for all 3 Pros when I had them. As I use it now to type out this response on my 10.5, I’m still not sold on keeping it. When I have essays and long emails to type out, I’m very appreciative for the ASK. However, I’ve been using my rMacBook more often for these tasks and find the ASK is just kind of in the way even when folded back. I hate having to take it off and put it back on to “lighten the load”.

I’m still considering dealing with the on-screen keyboard for this whole upcoming semester and see how I feel afterwards. Thinking I may return my ASK for a Smart Cover for propping up purposes.
I have a love/hate relationship with the ASK. I purchased it for all 3 Pros when I had them. As I use it now to type out this response on my 10.5, I’m still not sold on keeping it. When I have essays and long emails to type out, I’m very appreciative for the ASK. However, I’ve been using my rMacBook more often for these tasks and find the ASK is just kind of in the way even when folded back. I hate having to take it off and put it back on to “lighten the load”.

I’m still considering dealing with the on-screen keyboard for this whole upcoming semester and see how I feel afterwards. Thinking I may return my ASK for a Smart Cover for propping up purposes.
If you will be making significant use of multitasking/multiwindow THAT is when you'll appreciate the ASK. Having 1/3 of the screen taken up by the onscreen keyboard while in splitwindow, you'll wish that you still had the ASK.

I'm a big proponent of owning both the ASK and SC... because "sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't." :)
Wow.. I did not realize the keyboard was that expensive. I can see the Pencil being a unique interface with a touchscreen on the iPad with a definite value add to people who can/ know how to use it productively, but if someone is a heavy keyboard user, wouldn't they be better off getting something like the base rMB or even the no touchbar 13" rMBP to type on? Multitasking would be a no-brainer then.
I purchased one for my iPad Pro as a laptop replacement. While it's sometimes unwieldy and bulky, it's a necessity for working. Would not be as productive without it. A sound investment.

Now if I could only find that apple pencil I lost on the first day I got it . . . a year ago.
I purchased one for my iPad Pro as a laptop replacement. While it's sometimes unwieldy and bulky, it's a necessity for working. Would not be as productive without it. A sound investment.

Now if I could only find that apple pencil I lost on the first day I got it . . . a year ago.
Found my Pencil ~3-4 months after purchase hiding underneath some papers on my desk. I could've sworn I searched there like 5 times, though. :p
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